A beginner's question

Hello ! (I’m a begginer. so…
I have a simple question …
I don’t know the way to stop the case method, in .do…
I put the variable (~fgh), before the method case, it works but it erases one of the 3 synths…
So I can’t find the proper place to put the variable to erase later all the 3 Synths which are played in this Routine…

Here is my effort

~t6forstop=Synth.new(defName: \reverb3,args: [\in,~reverb_bus,\out,0,\mix,0.8,\room,0.9],target: ~groupZ);
~t2againforstop=Synth.new(defName: \delay,args: [\in,~delay_bus,\out,0],target: ~groupB);
~steop=3.do{arg i;
~fgh*= case
{i==0}{Synth.new(\playerme1fordelay,args: [\buf,~harpordinario[0],\spkr_out,0,\reverb_out,~reverb_bus,\delay_out,~delay_bus,\amp,0.05,\rate,0.6],target: ~groupA);}
{i==1}{Synth.new(\playerme1fordelay,args: [\buf,~harpordinario[1],\spkr_out,0,\reverb_out,~reverb_bus,\delay_out,~delay_bus,\amp,0.01,\rate,0.8],target: ~groupA);}
{i==2}{Synth.new(\playerme1fordelay,args: [\buf,~harpordinario[2],\spkr_out,0,\reverb_out,~reverb_bus,\delay_out,~delay_bus,\amp,0.04],target: ~groupA);};


Hello thakoum,

Welcome aboard!

Before we get into the question, please markup code examples by putting them between three backticks
to get


Also note that the code you pasted isn’t complete, so we cannot run it to see where you made a mistake.

In general, if you want to create and track three different synths independently, you can e.g. store the synths in a dictionary, or in an array.

Example with an array:

	~synths = [];
	SynthDef(\pulse, {
		| out=0, freq=440, amp=0.1 |
		var env = EnvGen.ar(Env.perc(0.01, 15), doneAction:2);
		var sig = LFPulse.ar(freq:freq);
		Out.ar(out, env*amp*sig!2);
	3.do {
		| index |
                // store the synth into an array of synths
		~synths = ~synths.add(Synth(\pulse, [\out, 0, \freq, 440.rrand(880)]));
	// now you have three synths: ~synths[0], ~synths[1] and ~synths[2]

// try to kill one by one

Example with a dictionary:

	~synths = ();
	SynthDef(\pulse, {
		| out=0, freq=440, amp=0.1 |
		var env = EnvGen.ar(Env.perc(0.01, 15), doneAction:2);
		var sig = LFPulse.ar(freq:freq);
		Out.ar(out, env*amp*sig!2);
	3.do {
		| index |
		~synths[index.asSymbol] = Synth(\pulse, [\out, 0, \freq, 440.rrand(880)]);
	// now you have three synths: ~synths[\0], ~synths[\1] and ~synths[\2]

// try to kill some

Thanks a lot!! I’ try to do it following your code. Next time I will be more specific…