A Quark or a Plug-in visualising SynthDef

Hi @prko,

here a solution suggested to me by Fredrik Olofsson and today updated in his blog . . Fredrik Olofsson Musikproduktion . . f0blog one-reason-why-i-love-sc.

To use the sc3-dot quark in SuperCollider on a mac you’ll need to install graphviz, preferably via macports (sudo port install graphviz) or via homebrew (brew install graphviz).

Then install the quark from within SuperCollider…


add the following lines to your startup.scd file…

Dot.renderMode= 'pdf';
Dot.pdfViewer= "open -a Preview.app";
Dot.dotCmd= "/opt/local/bin/dot";  //macports
//Dot.dotCmd= "/usr/local/bin/dot";  //homebrew

and finally recompile SuperCollider. Now a command like…


should automatically create a .dot file, convert to .pdf and open using Preview.app.

By default you will find the resulting .dot and .pdf files in the ~/Library/Application Support/SuperCollider/tmp directory.

Thanks again Fredrik! :heart:


Awesome. I feel like I have installed this 20 times in the past 20 years and then lose the installation.

BTW - the dot executable may be in a different place on M1 with homebrew. Mine is here:

Dot.dotCmd= "/opt/homebrew/bin/dot";


@MurbiX and @Sam_Pluta


It is suggested that the following steps (or similar to these) be considered for inclusion in the help file, at your discretion. In my experience, the process for letting your quark sc3-dot in modern SC on macOS was longer than in Ubuntu. I apologise if my inquiry comes across as impolite, that was not my intention.

"brew install graphviz".runInTerminal // step 1

Quarks.install("https://gitlab.com/rd--/sc3-dot") // step 2

thisProcess.recompile // step 3

Dot.renderMode= 'pdf';
Dot.pdfViewer= "open -a Preview.app";
Dot.dotCmd= "/opt/homebrew/bin/dot";

Dot.renderMode= 'svg';
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Yes, ta kindly F0!

I’ve added a link to the MacOS instructions in the Readme.

Hopefully that helps people in the future.

Ps. The windows default probably did (does?) work if you had (have?) Cygwin setup? I don’t really know!

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Pps. And no, not at all impolite, apologies slow reply!

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Thanks for this!

I tried to do it in Windows, but I still do not know how to do it. No idea, sorry!


I looked into it again over several hours. I’ve found one sure and one suspected reason why it doesn’t work on Windows.

  1. The “\” or "/"is not delivered correctly.
    I found this by modifying .unixCmd with .runInTerminal in line 38:
    sc/Dot.sc · master · r d / sc3-dot · GitLab

  2. The .shellQuote seems to send the filename in single quotes, but the Windows command prompt only accepts double quotes.

Ta kindly for looking! Super happy to accept and fixes you come across, and I’m sorry I can’t be of more help with this…

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I finally found a way to make scDot work in Windows. Using it on Mac and Linux is now easier!
Please have a look at the following video:

This is available after revising some method definitions for the Dot class as follows (I just added some preliminary code to skip some steps and added the correct implementation for Windows… It would be great if you could reflect this! I currently only use github… Or I can submit a PR and ask for a merge…):

Dot {

	classvar <>directory, <>dotCmd, <>dotViewer, <>svgViewer, <>pdfViewer, <>renderMode, <>drawInputName, <>useSplines, <>useTables, <>fontSize, <>fontName, <>fixEdgeLocation, <>verbose, <>truncateInputsAt;

	*defaultSettings {
		directory = Platform.defaultTempDir;
		dotCmd = "dot";
		dotViewer = nil;
		svgViewer = nil;
		pdfViewer = nil;
		renderMode = 'dot'; // dot | svg | pdf | hsc3
		drawInputName = false;
		useSplines = false;
		useTables = true;
		fontSize = 10;
		fontName = "Helvetica";
		fixEdgeLocation = false;
		verbose = false;
		truncateInputsAt = 32

	*initClass {

	*baseFileNameFor { | synthDef |
		^directory.standardizePath +/+ synthDef.name.asString;

	*fileNameForWithExtension { | synthDef extension |
		^Dot.baseFileNameFor(synthDef) ++ extension;

	*asyncCmd { | message command |
		verbose.if {
			["asyncCmd", message, command].postln
		command.unixCmd // asynchronous

	*syncCmd { | message command |
		verbose.if {
			["syncCmd", message, command].postln
		command.systemCmd // synchronous

	*viewDotFile { | fileName |
		var viewerDefault = (osx: "open", linux: "dot -Txlib", windows: "start" + "".quote + dotCmd.quote);
		var viewer = dotViewer ? viewerDefault.at(thisProcess.platform.name);
		var command = if(thisProcess.platform.asString != "a WindowsPlatform") {
			"% %".format(viewer, fileName.shellQuote)
		} {
			"% %".format(viewer, fileName)
		Dot.asyncCmd("viewDotFile", command)

	*viewDotFileFor { | synthDef |
		Dot.viewDotFile(Dot.fileNameForWithExtension(synthDef, ".dot"))

	*dotFileToSvgFileFor { | synthDef |
		var dotFileName = Dot.fileNameForWithExtension(synthDef, ".dot");
		var svgFileName = Dot.fileNameForWithExtension(synthDef, ".svg");
		var command = if(thisProcess.platform.asString != "a WindowsPlatform") {
			"% -Tsvg % -o %".format(dotCmd, dotFileName.shellQuote, svgFileName.shellQuote)
		} {
			"% -Tsvg % -o %".format(dotCmd, dotFileName, svgFileName)
		Dot.syncCmd("dotFileToSvgFileFor", command)

	*viewSvgFileFor { | synthDef |
		svgViewer.notNil.if {
			var command = "% %".format(svgViewer, Dot.fileNameForWithExtension(synthDef, ".svg").shellQuote);
			Dot.asyncCmd("viewSvgFileFor", command)
		} {
			var image = Image.openSVG(Dot.fileNameForWithExtension(synthDef, ".svg"));
			var window = Window.new(synthDef.name.asString, Rect(100, 100, image.bounds.width, image.bounds.height), false, true, nil, false);
			window.onClose_ {
			window.view.setBackgroundImage(image, 1, 1, nil);
			window.view.fixedSize_(Size.new(width: image.width, height: image.height));

	*dotFileToPdfFileFor { | synthDef |
		var dotFileName = Dot.fileNameForWithExtension(synthDef, ".dot");
		var pdfFileName = Dot.fileNameForWithExtension(synthDef, ".pdf");
		var command = if(thisProcess.platform.asString != "a WindowsPlatform") {
			"% -Tpdf % -o %".format(dotCmd, dotFileName.shellQuote, pdfFileName.shellQuote)
		} {
			"% -Tpdf % -o %".format(dotCmd, dotFileName, pdfFileName)
		Dot.syncCmd("dotFileToPdfFileFor", command)

	*viewPdfFileFor { | synthDef |
		var viewerDefault = (osx: "open", linux: "xdg-open", windows: "start" + "".quote + "C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft/Edge/Application/msedge.exe".quote);
		var viewer = pdfViewer ? viewerDefault.at(thisProcess.platform.name);
		var command = if(thisProcess.platform.asString != "a WindowsPlatform") {
			"% %".format(viewer, Dot.fileNameForWithExtension(synthDef, ".pdf").shellQuote)
		} {
			"% %".format(viewer, Dot.fileNameForWithExtension(synthDef, ".pdf"))
		Dot.asyncCmd("viewPdfFileFor", command)

	*drawHsc3 { | synthDef |
		var command = if(thisProcess.platform.asString != "a WindowsPlatform") {
			"hsc3-dot scsyndef-draw %".format(Dot.fileNameForWithExtension(synthDef, ".scsyndef").shellQuote)
		} {
			"hsc3-dot scsyndef-draw %".format(Dot.fileNameForWithExtension(synthDef, ".scsyndef"))
		Dot.asyncCmd("drawHsc3", command)

	*writeDotFileFor { | synthDef |
		var file = File(Dot.fileNameForWithExtension(synthDef, ".dot"), "w");

	*draw { | synthDef |
			'hsc3', {
			'dot', {
			'svg', {
			'pdf', {
				"Dot.draw: unknown renderMode".error

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If you want to skip installing anything, there are several decent browser-based dot renderers:

It’s very easy to hook this one up inside of a WebView so you can get dot graphs directly in your SuperCollider UI - I did this at some point though, for the life of me, I can’t find that code anymore!


Thanks for that! I needed something like this for other work!


apologies slow reply, &

ta kindly!

can you send a patch? something like:

git diff > patch.text

here or email, though email maybe be quicker!


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I thought it was prohibited to do this because of “development burden” or some other term people are coming up with nowadays. At least we can modify our clones and never do PRs. :sweat_smile:

No problem! I am glad you replied!
I cannot see your email!
Please check your sc3-dot project page. I have already requested a merge:

The complete code which I patched is already posted: