Access "sub-event" key


im using a function called ~pParTracks build on Ppar to separate \dur from the other event keys. In the following example i play two different Pdefs in parallel with different rhythms.

var rhythm, fxs;

# rhythm, fxs = ~pParTracks.(
	[\test1, Pseq([3,1,2,2], inf)],
	[\test2, Pseq([8,4], inf)],
Pdef(\rhythm, rhythm).play(t, quant:1);
f = fxs;

and can access all the other event keys for a specific Pdef for making transitions with a function called ~runTrans using an envelope over a specific duration of time. In this example amplitude goes from 0.5 to 0 linearly over a time of 4 seconds for the first Pdef inside Ppar at index 0.

~runTrans.(f[0], (
	amp: Env([0.5, 0], 1, \lin))],
), 4);

or iterate over both channels and do the transitions for both Pdefs

f[0..1].do {|channel|
	~runTrans.(channel, (
		amp: Env([0.5, 0], 1, \lin),
	), 4)

This works pretty well!

When now using PbindFx to bind a source Pdef to an effect Pdef im still able to access all the source event keys for making transitions but not the effect event keys.

ive traced the event:

track 0:( 'instrument': additiveLPF, 'rel': 1.0, 'modDec': 0.2, 'fxDataSize': 1,
  'tilt': -3, 'inharmonic': 0.1, 'cleanupDelay': 0.2, 'atkCurve': 0, 'lpfEnvAmount': 8000,
  'fxPredecessors': IdentityDictionary[ (1 -> 0), (o -> 1) ], 'lpfSlope': -5, 'freqEnvAmount': 0, 'out': 0, 'lpfRelCurve': -4.0,
  'fxOrder': [ 1 ], 'type': pbindFx, 'lpfAtkCurve': 8.0, 'peakSlope': -3, 'relCurve': 0,
  'dur': 0.25, 'atk': 1.0, 'dec': 2.0, 'peakRes': 24, 'amp': 0.25,
  'fxSuccessors': IdentityDictionary[ (1 -> o), (0 -> 1) ], 'defaultFxOrder': [ 0 ], 'drive': -15.0, 'fltAtk': 1.5, 'fltRel': 2.5,
  'legato': 0.8, 'fxEvents': [ ( 'delMin': 0.25, 'cleanupDelay': 2, 'fx': combC, 'amp': 1,
  'mix': 0.5, 'delMax': 0.5, 'decay': 2, 'delStereoRatio': 0.9, 'delHz': 35.0 ) ], 'fDec': 4, 'ampModAmount': 1, 'decCurve': 0,
  'freq': 129.783, 'lpfCutoff': 100, 'ampModFreq': 10, 'fDecCurve': 8.0 )

There you can see that the different keys for the comb filter effect are kept inside fxEvents

And now i hope its that simple:

Whats the right syntax for accessing the “sub-event” keys of the comb filter effect inside fxEvents?
I was trying something like:

~runTrans.(f[0], (
	fxEvents:[(decay: Env([2, 4], 1, \lin))],
), 4);

I hope this makes sense. thanks alot

EDIT: sorry for the multiple misunderstandings of events. PbindFx seems to use Pchain to chain a Ptuple with fx event keys to the source Pdef. These fx event keys are of course not composable via the source Pdefs as far as i understand it. damn. so no fx transitions via ~runTrans

here are the functions im using:

// durs can be a list, a pattern, or a function that returns a pattern
~getDurPattern = { |durs|
	{ durs.isKindOf(SequenceableCollection) } {
		if (durs.rank > 1) {
			"pParTracks: flattening nested duration list %".format(durs).warn;
			durs = durs.flat.postln;
		Pseq(durs, inf)
	{ durs.isKindOf(Function) } { Pn(Plazy(durs), inf) }
	{ durs.isKindOf(Pattern) } { durs }
	{ Error("pParTracks: unsupported durations format: %".format(durs)).throw };

~pParTracks = { |...tracks|
	var fxTracks = tracks.collect { PatternProxy(()) };

	var evPatternFns = tracks.collect { |trackArgs, n|

		var dataPatternName = trackArgs[0];
		var durs = ~getDurPattern.value(trackArgs[1]);
		fxTracks[n] <> Pdef(dataPatternName) <> Pbind(\dur, durs)

	var rhythmPars = Ppar(evPatternFns);
	[rhythmPars, fxTracks]

// make transitions
~runTrans = {|transProxy, transDef, transDur|
	transProxy.source = Pbind(*~mapTrans.(transDef, transDur).asKeyValuePairs);

// used by ~runTrans
~mapTrans = {|parEnvs, transDur= 1|
    var penvs ={|v|v.class===Penv}.collect{|penv|
        penv.times = penv.times*transDur
    var busses = parEnvs
    .select{|v,k| penvs.keys.includes(k).not}.collect{Bus.control(s,1)};

        busses.collect{|bus, parName|
        busses do:

    busses.collect(_.asMap) ++ penvs