Thanks for your work story, great to hear real use cases in context!
Wrt TZ mod, switching direction on Squine looks like a complicated change, so I’m inclined to leave it as is for now (RC3).
Ie, input freq is treated as abs value, the waveform remains unchanged on negative frequency. (At least better than flatlining, no?)
I’ll be testing and wavering a bit more, but adding 2-3 sample-rate if-then’s and bunch of code (creating internal discontinuities but hoping the output still aligns) doesn’t taste so nice…
hey, thank you very much for thinking about my concerns and helping me out fixing the issue with my initial cross synthesis feedback FM patch using Squine.
Unfortunately im not familiar with C++, if there is a moment in the future where i can help you out with enabling TZFM in Squine i will let you know.
Would be cool to be able to look into some of these Eurorack Modules to know how it could be done. Just found this which does TZFM in VCV Rack.
For now treating freqs as abs values is already better then having a flatline output.
Is there already a windows version available of RC3 ?
Yep, Windows version is there.
Thanks so much for your input, best way to make it stable and useful is by getting other uses than mine!
(The Rack opcode is very different. I know what to do for TZmod, but it’s risqué
Squine maintains 2 internal phases, neg freq means everything has to be inverted, doubling 150 lines of code. There’s a neat shortcut, but less stable; rounding errors could introduce micro-noises that I worked so hard to get rid of.)
((turned out to be an isolated and simple change, no significant complexity increase or risk of destabilizing the algorithm))
This doesn’t do a whole lot to the sound, negative frequency input and negative skew take out each other, so nothing new really.
But it might be regarded as more correct behavior than previous versions.