Change tempo and signature

Hello everyone,
I read in several places that to be reliable, tempo and signature changes have to be done this way:

t =;

	t.tempo = 44 / 60;
	t.beatsPerBar = 7;

My question is:
if I do a tempo and/or signature changes inside a task playing on the clock (t in this case) do I still need the t.schedAbs ?


var myTask, globalQuant = 7;
t =;

myTask = {
	var cond =;
	t.schedAbs(t.nextTimeOnGrid,{ // Do I need this in my case ?
		t.tempo = 44 / 60;
		t.beatsPerBar = 7;
	"tempo and signature changed".postln;
	"you are 4 beats after tempo and signature changes".postln;
	// write your task here

Tdef(\song, myTask).play(t, true, globalQuant);

If I simply do this:

var myTask, globalQuant = 7;
t =;

myTask = {
	t.tempo = 44 / 60;
	t.beatsPerBar = 7;
	"tempo and signature changed".postln;
	"you are 4 beats after tempo and signature changes".postln;
	// write your task here

Tdef(\song, myTask).play(t, true, globalQuant);

I’d like to know if the last block of code will be reliable.
Thank you in advance.

any help would be great.
I thank you in advance

The help file says, “Setting must be done from within the scheduling thread” – which of course human beings couldn’t be expected to understand :laughing:

It should really say “A code block setting beatsPerBar should be scheduled on the same clock whose meter is being set.”

How is a code block scheduled on a clock?

  • “Code block” is a function – and functions may be wrapped in a Routine or Task (or Pfunc, Prout, Pspawner etc) as well.

  • “Scheduling” refers to sched or schedAbs, or any method that uses those methods (such as play).

So: If you are setting beatsPerBar in a Routine and the Routine is playing on the clock being set, then… that’s completely fine. Playing the Routine on the clock is already scheduling, so there’s no need to schedule a separate function.

Also the beatsPerBar_ method will throw an error if it’s not running on the clock. So if you’re not getting an error, then… you’re fine.

It just occurred to me – I’ll change this later – the help should recommend always writing thisThread.clock.beatsPerBar = ... because then the only way to address the right clock is to schedule a function or routine on it.



thank you very much James. it’s clearer for me now.