Creating rhythmic meso / macro structure with Demand trigger mask

hey, thanks for your reply.

the first block of code shows my implementation of how to setup a dictionary filled with fractal patterns and the ability to sequence them with Pdict to lay out a meso / macro structure of a piece of music when using control rate triggers. thats working fine.

some of my latest posts have been about creating meso / macro structures with audio rate triggers Limitations of Composition in SC - #21 by dietcv and Making transitions with language or server side sequencing

i hope it is somehow possible to sequence these fractal rhythms when converted to binary form to use them with the Demand trigger mask in the same way i have used them before with Pdict.
I would like to sequence different indices of arrays stored in the dictionary synced to the triggers from

i thought of using .set with a sequence of different indices to index the fractal patterns in binary form inside the dictionary but dont know how to go about language and server sync.

i have also never really used Synths before, so i dont know what can be done with Tasks or Routines.

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