(crowd)Funding SuperCollider development?

We should also talk about the elephant in the room: there are very little women in our community. In the big SC user survey, only 5% (!) identified as female. (245 people participated in the survey; while this is not a huge number, it shows a clear trend – which also matches my subjective experience.) Let’s not forget that women make up roughly half of our population. Of course, this is a problem with programming communities in general.

Personally, I had quite a few - very talented! - female colleagues while studying Computer Music in Graz. For some reason none of them – as far as I know – actively participate in the Pd or SC community – although they are definitely interested in technology!


I think the key is to try to create a single open community - to try to break down hierarchy and entice more users into viewing sc as “theirs”. Just today a user used the language “I hope it will be implemented” for a method - perhaps they didn’t understand that they could participate directly in its implementation!

Another thought - I have female and non-binary friends on Mastadon who follow sc related tags - maybe some kind of outreach from this forum/dev-community ought to happen on social media?

Could not agree more.
Just to add one way that these things might be related…

I once saw a lecture about C++ (by one of the adobe devs, forget which one) talking about a related term, inclusivity.
Essentially, he argued that against rust, C++ wasn’t very inclusive, and couldn’t be to the extent rust is because it has many thorny edges and cases where the user can ‘blow their foot off’.
The point being, in rust, the discourse might look like…

  • person A: I’m trying to do this, what do you think ....some code
  • person B: This approach has some advantages, but have you considered ...some code, it has these pros and cons … blah blah blah

Whereas in C++ its more like…

  • person A: I’m trying to do this, what do you think ....some code
  • person C: this is outdated and dangerous, go learn about some newer feature

Whilst person C’s tone might have been more considered, they are fundamentally correct as these things lead to poor dangerous software and a lot of wasted time.

Supercollider, whilst not as bad as C++ does have several difficulties that can lead users down paths where their code, and therefore musical performance, can easily fail or place unnecessary limits on their music. While the C++ community needs to steer people away from writing memory leaks and what-not, the supercollider community ties to help people write code that can scale with their practice, allowing them to explore new musical possibilities, whilst building pieces/instruments that are stable enough to take on stage.

My point is that, perhaps, software design influences community discourse?

And that, whilst all community members want to help, steering people towards writing sustainable code is challenging, as ultimately, we do not want to include (unintentionally) broken or otherwise temperamental software that can lead to poor experiences with Supercollider, or worse, wasted time or failed performances.

It is interesting that @jordanwhitede mentioned Tidal, being, of course, built on Haskell — a challenging, but safe language. Rust is the other language/community that takes inclusivity seriously to the core of its design.

And whilst this has been about inclusivity of software-use and musical perspective, perhaps, by having a safer (or at least less fragile) software — and thereby, more inclusive and accepting discourse —,
we might attract a larger, and therefore, increasingly diverse user base?


Wtf. I super disagree, and find it inappropriate, and probably would even if i agreed. Speechless, really


I can confirm that what Nathan is saying is something I heard personally from multiple people. The lack of response on this is one of the reasons I left the project.

1 Like

This is an extremely important topic, but this is maybe not the best way to solve it… Flamming people here will not solve it…

What if we selected a group of independent people for doing conflict management/ombudsman/awareness team? Off course, it is extremely necessary to talk with the current dev teams about what they found about this.

  • Should we create a conflict management/ombudsman/awareness team?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Something else

0 voters

So many parts of this discussion really sadden me, to be honest. And I feel like it has gotten into unproductive territory. I’m shutting down further comments. If another admin feels a need to re-open them, that is fine. But otherwise I think this is very far from the OT.