Delay two Pbind

Agreed about data sharing. I’d wanted to check if Ppar would handle it without the offset, but now that I think about it, I’m pretty sure that the way you cited from the pattern guide is necessary. (If it hadn’t been necessary, I think I would have written the pattern guide example differently.)

I still prefer Rests over muting the amplitude, to stop the synths from playing completely. Same basic idea (external reference to control the pattern’s data) but different implementation of the “shush” behavior :wink:


Thanks both of you, I made a big step on Patterns. I still have a major problem, I only manage to make this data sharing works if the different Pbinds have the same number of steps (in \mininote and \dur) no matter if the global seq time is the same
It works:

\midinote, Pseq([74,76,75],inf),\dur, Pseq([1,3,Prand([3,5,7],1).collect { |x| ~a = x } ],inf));

\midinote, Pseq([[67,70,62],[67,70,62],[72,67,60]],inf),\dur,Pseq([2,2,Pfuncn({ ~a },1)],inf));

But I would like (same timing but just two events for x)

w=Pbind(\midinote, Pseq([74,76,75],inf),\dur, Pseq([1,3,Prand([3,5,7],1).collect { |x| ~a = x } ],inf));

x=Pbind(\midinote, Pseq([[67,70,62],[72,67,60]],inf),\dur,Pseq([4,Pfuncn({ ~a },1)],inf));



I’d suggest you refer to the last example under – this example uses Ptpar (not Ppar!) and a timing offset parameter to guarantee that the source of the shared data evaluates first.

With Ppar, (I think) you can’t be completely certain which of the subpatterns evaluates first. If the Pfunc dur “reader” happens to evaluate first, it will get old data from the last cycle, and then you’re out of sync.

Note that Daniel already told you about this:

// ensure order of evaluation by slight time-shift, you could equalize with lag, but can be neglected with 0.0001 sec
d = 0.0001;
v = Ptpar([0, x, d*2, y, d*3, z]).play

… but that seems to have been overlooked. (Understandable, as there are a lot of details here.)


ok now it works, the irregularities were coming from the sustain of the midi source, thanks

Glad to see it’s working.

I had already written this so I’m going to post it anyway.

If the code is not doing what you think it should be doing, then put in some debug or trace calls to get more visibility. (Also, here I’ve reformatted the code to make it friendlier to read.)

~a = nil;

w = Pbind(
	\midinote, Pseq([74, 76, 75], inf),
	\dur, Pseq([1, 3, Prand([3, 5, 7], 1).collect { |x| ~a = x }], inf).trace(prefix: "w dur: ")

x = Pbind(
	\midinote, Pseq([[67, 70, 62], [72, 67, 60]], inf),
	\dur, Pseq([4, Pfuncn({ ~a.debug("x retrieved") }, 1)], inf).trace(prefix: "x dur: ")

~run = Ppar([w, x]).play;

w dur: 1
x dur: 4
w dur: 3
x retrieved: nil  << HERE
w dur: 5

So… you’re expecting that if w and x are scheduled for the same time, then w will always wake up first, and populate ~a to be ready for x. But when the number of items is different, the debugging information shows this is not guaranteed.

Ptpar is the solution for this.

~a = nil;

w = Pbind(
	\midinote, Pseq([74, 76, 75], inf),
	\dur, Pseq([1, 3, Prand([3, 5, 7], 1).collect { |x| ~a = x }], inf).trace(prefix: "w dur: "),
	\timingOffset, 0.01

x = Pbind(
	\midinote, Pseq([[67, 70, 62], [72, 67, 60]], inf),
	\dur, Pseq([4, Pfuncn({ ~a.debug("x retrieved") }, 1)], inf).trace(prefix: "x dur: ")

~run = Ptpar([0, w, 0.01, x]).play;

w dur: 1
x dur: 4
w dur: 3
w dur: 7
x retrieved: 7  << 'w' did its bit first so now we are fine
x dur: 7


Just as a side-note, as you know with MIDI you don’t have the precision related to time-stamped messaging. However in the context of VSTPlugins Christof is thinking about implementing an analogue mechanism.

Last thing, I know to generate time ramped values on the server side (line, sweep, LFDNoise etc…) but how I do that on the language side? As an instance I would like to ramp the midi bend.
1 From 16383 to 100 in 10 sec
2 From 16383 to 100 in 10 sec, then from 100 to 8000 in 5 sec, then from 8000 to 15000 in 2 sec and so on

\type, \midi,
	\midicmd,\noteOn,\midiout, m,\chan,0,\midinote, Pseq([[67,68,72,73]],inf),\dur,10).play;
//pitchbend for the chord
\type, \midi,
	\midicmd,\bend,\midiout, m,\chan,0,\dur,10,\val,//from 16383 to 100 in 10 sec


I’ve already answered your originally 3rd question in my first post of this thread, you can use Pseg:

see also

I’ve also written a tutorial on this topic proposing a number of alternatives, see “Event patterns and LFOs” from the miSCellaneous_lib quark.

yes yes yes, sorry and thank you, so much information :slight_smile:

No worrys, pattern-land is huge :slight_smile:

To play a chord transposition sequence ?
This chord

 \midinote, Pseq([[ 74,73,69]],inf)  

In order to have:

\midinote, Pseq([ thischord*transposed one key down, thischord*transposed half a key up, and so on],inf);


You can add patterns to patterns as well as to arrays:

	\midinote, [74, 73, 69] + Pseq([-2, 1], inf),
	\dur, 0.2

	\midinote, Pstutter(3, Pseq((60..65), inf)) + [0, 7, 14] + Pseq([0, -3, 3], inf),
	\dur, 0.2
1 Like

Pstutter(3, Pseq((60..65), inf)) + [0, 7, 14] + Pseq([0, -3, 3], inf),

Or, I’m pretty sure this is equivalent:

(Pseq((60..65), inf) +.x Pseq([0, -3, 3], inf)) + [0, 7, 14],


Not exactly, the cross adverb has to be applied to finite streams, to get the same we can e.g. do

	\midinote, Pn(Pseq((60..65)) +.x Pseq([0, -3, 3])) + [0, 7, 14],
	\dur, 0.2

I omitted this in order to avoid another layer of mysteriousness, but it’s nice indeed.

1 Like

Actually, one steam can be infinite, but it should be left-hand one for the expected results.

(0..2) +.x [0, 10] // -> [ 0, 10, 1, 11, 2, 12 ]

(Pseries(0, 1) +.x Pseq([0, 10])).asStream.nextN(6)
 // -> [ 0, 10, 1, 11, 2, 12 ]

(Pseq([0, 10]) +.x Pseries(0, 1)).asStream.nextN(6) 
// -> [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]

The even more confusing behavior is when you apply it to a combo of an array and an infinite stream

(Pseries(0, 1) +.x [0, 10]).asStream.nextN(3)
 // -> [ [ 0, 10 ], [ 0, 10 ], [ 0, 10 ] ]

([0, 10] +.x Pseries(0, 1)).asStream.nextN(3)
 // -> [ [ 0, 10 ], [ 1, 11 ], [ 2, 12 ] ]

You can [P]flatten the latter for the desired result…

([0, 10] +.x Pseries(0, 1)).flatten.asStream.nextN(6)
// -> [ 0, 10, 1, 11, 2, 12 ]

but there’s the confusing usability issue that a finite Pseq needs to go “on the right”, but a (finite, obvious) array needs to “go on the left” . Also, in the latter case, since you have to re-flatten, it’s no different than using a plain ‘+’

([0, 10] + Pseries(0, 1)).flatten.asStream.nextN(6)
// -> [ 0, 10, 1, 11, 2, 12 ]

There’s a special implementation for cross adverbs in BinaryOpXStream: when the right-hand side stream yields nil, it gets reset. (Cross adverbs are detected by Pbinop.asStream which uses BinaryOpXStream for the latter instead of BinaryOpStream.) That implementation makes it a non-commutative operation, but then so is its finite counterpart on arrays… BinaryOpXStream also works more like a flatMap in Java etc. As “proof”:

(0..2) +.x [0, 10] // same result as next line
(0..2).collect({|a| a +.x [0, 10]}).flatten // -> [ 0, 10, 1, 11, 2, 12 ]

// so, "patternizing" that idea
Pflatten(1, Pcollect({|a| a +.x [0, 10]}, Pseries(0, 1))).asStream.nextN(6) // or 
Pcollect({|a| a +.x [0, 10]}, Pseries(0, 1)).flatten.asStream.nextN(6) // or
Pseries(0, 1).collect({|a| a +.x [0, 10]}).flatten.asStream.nextN(6)
// -> [ 0, 10, 1, 11, 2, 12 ]

Because of the wrapping behavior of adding a single scalar to an array, that’s the same as

(0..2).collect({|a| a + [0, 10]}).flatten //-> [ 0, 10, 1, 11, 2, 12 ]; also
Pflatten(1, Pcollect({|a| a + [0, 10]}, Pseries(0, 1))).asStream.nextN(6) // etc.

But in the more general case where Pseries returned an array, there’s a difference where you flatten, or equivalently commuting the arguments of +.x (on an array), i.e row vs column “major order”, e.g.

[0, 10] +.x [0, 0.1] // -> [ 0, 0.1, 10, 10.1 ]
[0, 0.1] +.x [0, 10] // -> [ 0, 10, 0.1, 10.1 ]

(Pseries([0, 0.1], 1) +.x Pseq([0, 10])).flatten.asStream.nextN(12) // same as
Pcollect({|a| [0, 10] +.x a}, Pseries([0, 0.1], 1)).flatten.asStream.nextN(12)
// -> [ 0, 0.1, 10, 10.1, 1, 1.1, 11, 11.1, 2, 2.1, 12, 12.1 ]

(Pseries([0, 0.1], 1).flatten +.x Pseq([0, 10])).asStream.nextN(12) // same as
Pcollect({|a| a +.x [0, 10]}, Pseries([0, 0.1], 1)).flatten.asStream.nextN(12)
// -> [ 0, 10, 0.1, 10.1, 1, 11, 1.1, 11.1, 2, 12, 2.1, 12.1 ]

N.B., *.x is mostly called an “outer” rather than “cross” product/operation is most non-SC contexts. Actually, “Kronecker product” is probably more appropriate since the result of .x is flattened. The .t adverb in SC gives the true (unflattened) outer product.

It doesn’t give the expected results in this case, compare:
(I omit the chord addition as it’s irrelevant here)

// wanting to reduce this with adverbs:

(Pstutter(3, Pseq((60..65), inf)) + Pseq([0, -3, 3], inf)).iter.nextN(20)

-> [ 60, 57, 63, 61, 58, 64, 62, 59, 65, 63, 60, 66, 64, 61, 67, 65, 62, 68, 60, 57 ]

// both of these don't give the same

(Pseq((60..65), inf) +.x Pseq([0, -3, 3], inf)).iter.nextN(20)

-> [ 60, 57, 63, 60, 57, 63, 60, 57, 63, 60, 57, 63, 60, 57, 63, 60, 57, 63, 60, 57 ]

(Pseq((60..65)) +.x Pseq([0, -3, 3], inf)).iter.nextN(20)

-> [ 60, 57, 63, 60, 57, 63, 60, 57, 63, 60, 57, 63, 60, 57, 63, 60, 57, 63, 60, 57 ]

// That's why I suggested this

Pn(Pseq((60..65)) +.x Pseq([0, -3, 3])).iter.nextN(20)

-> [ 60, 57, 63, 61, 58, 64, 62, 59, 65, 63, 60, 66, 64, 61, 67, 65, 62, 68, 60, 57 ]

But I’m sure there are alternatives :slight_smile:

Well yes, e.g. that would be one:

([0, -3, 3] +.x Pseq((60..65), inf)).flatten.iter.nextN(20)

.x is a no-op in that one; the following does the same

([0, -3, 3] + Pseq((60..65), inf)).flatten.iter.nextN(20)

The .x version needs a finite Pseq on the right.

(Pseq((60..65), inf) +.x Pseq([0, -3, 3])).iter.nextN(20)

Correct, now we have it :slight_smile:

But this thread alone shows the basic problematic of Patterns plus adverbs quite clearly:
If some elder users and an engaged newer user are making errors here and there on the way to possible solutions including adverbs, there might be an issue (and I don’t mean a bug).
My assumption: adverbs are a nice and short syntax, something syntactically rather pure itself – when going to apply it to the Pattern world it ends up with a lot of special cases which blurs the purity. Although I like it very much: the Pattern system is not perfect, it represents a development history and includes, as you are continuing to point out, a lot of inconsistencies, doublings etc. This is a conflict with the mathematical purity of the adverbial approach.
I can tell that I don’t remember a single case where I could say: “brilliant possibility to use adverbs, it makes things clearer, better readable, musically more fruitful”. And if a syntax is lacking such I would rarely use it and prefer to spend my time with other things.
That’s no argument of course against rethinking adverbs in general -

There’s no other adverb besides x that works for streams anyway (unlike for arrays). But even conceptually, it’s not terribly clear how some (other) should work for streams. “Regular” Pbinops (that use BinaryOpStream) actually behave as if the s adverb is being used all the time. See my related/linked thread for some more musings.