Delay two Pbind

Hello and welcome,

ad 1)

Ptpar([0, w, 0.5, x]).play;

ad 2)


	\lag, Pstutter(4, Pseries(0, 0.05)),

Obviously here Pstutter’s repetition number is based on the fixed loop length. A dynamic loop length would require a slight adaption, i.e. coupling of those params.

ad 3)

Essentially Pseg should do what you want, e.g.

	\lag, Pstutter(4, Pseg(Pseq([0, 10], inf), Pseq([60, 10], inf))),

For a jump back e.g.

	\lag, Pstutter(4, Pseg(Pseq([0, 10], inf), Pseq([60, 0], inf))),