Development Meetings: Schedule

I really dont understand the time here. Did I miss the meeting? Sorry, I am a dunce at time zones.

Fwiw when posting dev meeting times, check the documentation for discourse’s markdown - it can automatically show dates/times in the local timezone for every user if you markdown the times the right way.


I’m sorry @madskjeldgaard, this was my bad. I messed up the UTC time (courtesy of daylight savings time).
Thanks for the tip @scztt, I’ll do that next time

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That’s a great idea. It is becoming increasingly clear to me that time zones are a concept I will not ever be able to grasp and so having computers do it for me sounds ideal. Thanks

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Hey all,

The next developer meeting will be on 2022-04-17T17:00:00Z. The meeting will be 90 minutes long.

Everyone with an interest in improving SuperCollider is welcome to attend!

Dev meetings are held at Jitsi Meet . No registration is required to join.


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Hey all,

The next developer meeting will be on 2022-05-22T17:00:00Z. The meeting will be 90 minutes long.

Everyone with an interest in improving SuperCollider is welcome to attend!

Dev meetings are held at Jitsi Meet. No registration is required to join.


Hey all,

The next developer meeting will be on Sunday, Aug 14th, at 5:00-6:30 PM UTC (= 1:00-2:30PM US Eastern = 10:00AM-11:30PM US Pacific). The meeting will be 90 minutes long.

Topics to discuss include SuperCollider 3.13’s release, and recent issues and pull requests. Everyone with an interest in improving SuperCollider is welcome to attend!

Dev meetings are held at . No registration is required to join.



Hello Everyone,

The next developer meeting will be on 2022-09-11T16:00:00Z. The meeting will be 90 minutes long.

As usual, topics to discuss include TOPICS, particularly the 3.13 release, and recent issues and pull requests. Everyone with an interest in improving SuperCollider is welcome to attend!

Dev meetings are held on Jitsi. No registration is required to join.


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Hello Everyone,

The next developer meeting will be on 2022-10-16T18:00:00Z. The meeting will be 90 minutes long.

As usual, topics to discuss include TOPICS, particularly the 3.13 release, and recent issues and pull requests. Everyone with an interest in improving SuperCollider is welcome to attend!

Dev meetings are held on Jitsi . No registration is required to join.


Hello Everyone,

The next developer meeting will be on 2022-11-13T19:00:00Z. The meeting will be 90 minutes long.

Topics to discuss include the 3.13 release - this time for real, as we’re hoping to make a release candidate soon - as well as recent issues and pull requests. Everyone with an interest in improving SuperCollider is welcome to attend!

Dev meetings are held on Jitsi. No registration is required to join.


Hey Everyone,

The next developer meeting will be on 2023-03-12T18:00:00Z. The meeting will be 90 minutes long.

Topics to discuss include recent issues and pull requests. Everyone with an interest in improving SuperCollider is welcome to attend!

Dev meetings are held on Jitsi. No registration is required to join.


Hey Everyone,

The next developer meeting will be on 2023-04-02T17:00:00Z. The meeting will be 90 minutes long.

Topics to discuss include upgrading to Qt6, as well as recent issues and pull requests. Everyone with an interest in improving SuperCollider is welcome to attend!

Dev meetings are held on Jitsi . No registration is required to join.


Hey Everyone,

The next developer meeting will be on 2023-04-30T18:00:00Z. The meeting will be 90 minutes long.

Topics to discuss include recent issues and pull requests. Everyone with an interest in improving SuperCollider is welcome to attend!

Dev meetings are held on Jitsi . No registration is required to join.


Hey Everyone,

The next developer meeting will be on 2023-06-24T18:00:00Z. The meeting will be 90 minutes long.

Topics to discuss include recent issues and pull requests. Everyone with an interest in improving SuperCollider is welcome to attend!

Dev meetings are held on Jitsi . No registration is required to join.


A message on the other thread, that suggested that devs might not want other users to chime in, inspired me to add this note:

Just so it clear, when it says “everyone is welcome to attend”, we really mean it! Everybody is welcome to tune in, even if you didn’t reply to the poll, never participated in the development, if just want to “sit in” and listen to the conversation, or are curious where things stand - feel free to tune in at the designated time.
And if you do reply to the poll, we’ll do our best to find the time that works for everybody.
BTW, if the proposed times don’t work at all, please let us know, here or on Slack.

Speaking for myself, but I think this is shared by other devs as well: I absolutely don’t intend to keep users away from the development. On the contrary, I’d love for more people to participate and contribute!



Hey Everyone,

The next developer meeting will be on 2023-09-24T16:00:00Z. The meeting will be 90 minutes long.

At this meeting I’d like to check in with other devs, as well as discuss recent issues and pull requests. Everyone (yes, anyone and everyone) with an interest in improving SuperCollider is welcome to attend!

Dev meetings are held on Jitsi . No registration is required to join.



Hey Everyone,

The next developer meeting will be on 2023-10-01T17:00:00Z. The meeting will be 90 minutes long.

Per previous discussion, this meeting will focus on the class library. Everyone (yes, anyone and everyone) with an interest in improving SuperCollider is welcome to attend!

Dev meetings are held on Jitsi. No registration is required to join.



Hey Everyone,

The next developer meeting will be on 2023-10-08T17:00:00Z. The meeting will be 90 minutes long.

This meeting will be dedicated to general SC topics, maintenance, etc. Everyone (yes, anyone and everyone) with an interest in improving SuperCollider is welcome to attend!

Dev meetings are held on Jitsi. No registration is required to join.



Hey Everyone,

The next developer meeting will be on 2023-10-14T09:00:00Z. The meeting will be 90 minutes long.

This meeting will be dedicated to server development and maintenance (scscynth/supernova/plugins). Everyone (yes, anyone and everyone) with an interest in improving SuperCollider is welcome to attend!

Dev meetings are held on Jitsi. No registration is required to join.


Hey Everyone,

The next developer meeting will be on 2023-12-17T19:00:00Z. The meeting will be 90 minutes long.

This meeting will be dedicated to general SC topics, maintenance, etc. Everyone (yes, anyone and everyone) with an interest in improving SuperCollider is welcome to attend!

Dev meetings are held on Jitsi . No registration is required to join.
