Env Plotting superpose

Hello dear list!

I’m wondering why I can’t superpose several Envs in a plot, all other shortcuts that are in the Plotter help file seem to work, except ‘s’ that toggles superpose.

e = [Env([0, 1, 1, 0], [30, 10, 8], [-3, 0, -2.5]), Env([0, 1, 1, 0], [30, 10, 8], [4, 0, -3])].plot;
e.superpose = true;

I’m using SC 3.10.2 on Ubuntu Studio

Many thanks in advance!

It works with arrays, so make a converter

f = { |e, num = 100| (0..num).linlin(0, num, 0, e.times.sum).collect(e[_]) };
e = [Env([0, 1, 1, 0], [30, 10, 8], [-3, 0, -2.5]), Env([0, 1, 1, 0], [30, 10, 8], [4, 0, -3])];
p = e.collect(f.(_)).plot;
p.superpose = true;
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