Fastly Acessing Traditional Synth Recipes

I think that would be an excellent project. I’m game.

This quark exists but looks pretty dormant: Not sure if there is anything worth salvaging in there.

Most of this has already been said … I think, please apologize the odd comparison, it is a bit like having a super-luxurious sports car and asking for bicycle pedals to move it (not much interested in cars myself though). The concept of a collection of, however preselected, sounds for further combination, neglects a huge variety of the possibilities you have with SC, even if they are regarded as base for further modification, processing etc. It’s an old concept, sure, an old concept isn’t necessarily bad in aesthetical regard, it can be extended, but seeing it from that point of view doesn’t make it very attractive for developers to put much energy into it, besides the problems of preset management, standardization etc.
Having said that I would defnitely appreciate if such a library existed and I can see many useful applications, e.g. teaching. I’m using SC extensively for examples in a course named integrated ear training which includes, but it’sn’t limited to, electronics. Currently I have to build SynthDefs on occasion or to modify examples from here and there, which isn’t always fully satisfying and tweaking timbres isn’t always worth the time if it’s not the focus of the exercise itself.



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don’t know what you mean, sounds exactly like a cello to me :slight_smile: My version sounded no more realistic (I used LPF, otherwise much the same, I don’t fully understand the envelop as applied to the filter here)

The link I gave to ‘Andy’s Electronic Music’ blog doesn’t seem to get anything any more realistic.

I just worked through the free lessons of this. Not sure I’ll buy it, it isn’t particularly cheap, and I’m not particularly interested in using it, but it does seem like good ear training