hi everyone, I’m thinking of a project to be created in a supercollider that involves this: the use of an external signal (in my case I have a box with a pulled string that acts as an “instrument”) which, being taken up in input, through a fft summary can return amplitude and frequency values to me. in turn these values will be used to parameterize other characteristics and properties of some systems, but the initial step is to have a system that generates values with input amplitudes and frequencies, which works.
Below I’ll post what I did. this code doesn’t work as it should, for example I tried to generate (as an example) a kick every time my input signal is higher than 0.1 or 0.3; once the kick has been generated, however, it continues to be generated and I don’t want this to happen. it must only happen when the threshold is reached, then it must vanish to reappear only when the condition is met. finally I was wondering if there was a way to modify the freqscope display in order to display the amplitude and frequency values in more detail.
SynthDef(\spectralTrigger, {
var buffer, input, spectrum, filteredSpectrum, reconstructedSignal, triggerLevel;
buffer = Buffer.alloc(s, 512);
input = SoundIn.ar(0); // Audio input from the microphone
// FFT on the input signal
spectrum = FFT(buffer, input);
// Filters the spectrum to obtain only frequencies with amplitude above the threshold
filteredSpectrum = PV_MagAbove(spectrum, 0.2); // Threshold set to 0.2
// Reconstructs the signal in the time domain
reconstructedSignal = IFFT(filteredSpectrum);
// Uses the maximum amplitude of the signal to control another Synth
triggerLevel = Amplitude.kr(reconstructedSignal);
// Condition to generate an impulse if the trigger level exceeds the new threshold
Out.ar(0, reconstructedSignal);
// Generates an impulse (kick) when the amplitude exceeds the updated threshold of 0.3
SendTrig.kr(triggerLevel > 0.3, 0, triggerLevel);
// Kick drum definition
SynthDef(\kick, {
Out.ar(0, SinOsc.ar(40, 0, Decay.kr(Impulse.kr(1), 0.3, 0.8)));
// Start the synth
x = Synth(\spectralTrigger);
// Set up an action to receive the trigger and activate the kick
OSCdef(\triggerKick, { |msg|
// msg[3] contains the amplitude value (it can be used to control dynamics)
var amplitude = msg[3];
// Print in the PostWindow when the kick is triggered
("Kick triggered! Amplitude: " ++ amplitude).postln;
// Trigger the kick
}, '/tr');