Filter a list of String with a list of keywords

Suppose I have an arbitrary list of strings and some lists of keywords.

~list_of_strings = ["cat", "dog", "fish", "yellow", "blue", "furry"];

~keywordsA = ["cat", "yellow", "furry"];
~keywordsB = ["cat", "green", "furry"];

I need some sort of filter function to know whether or not the list of arbitrary strings contains all the keywords. Something like this:

~list_of_strings.filter_function( ~keywordsA ) --> True
~list_of_strings.filter_function( ~keywordsB ) --> False

Is there a language function that already allows me to do this kind of check?
Thank you so much for your support

Collection.includesAll(aCollection)? Would that method work, something like :


Or you could build your own with every…

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Thanks @jordan for your reply,
despite the method works for integer collections, it seems not to work for strings collection.

I mean, when I evaluate these lines of code:

~list_of_strings.includesAll( ~keywordsA );
~list_of_strings.includesAll( ~keywordsB );

They both are returning False. Why?

It works with symbols:

~list_of_strings = [\cat, \dog, \fish, \yellow, \blue, \furry];

~keywordsA = [\cat, \yellow, \furry];

~list_of_strings.includesAny(~keywordsA) // → true

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They both are returning False. Why?

includesAll sends includes which sends ===, and strings aren’t ===, they’re only ==.

includesAllEqual is:

+ Collection {
	includesAllEqual { | aCollection | { | item | if (this.includesEqual(item).not) {^false} };

As a general rule of thumb you should only use strings when you are manipulating them, but once the string is fixed it should be converted to a symbol. String comparison is slow whilst symbol comparison is significantly faster as symbols are stored in a hash map, so you just compare the hashes rather than every letter like in a string.


Thank you guys for your help.
Below code works for me:

~list_of_strings = ["cat", "dog", "fish", "yellow", "blue", "furry"];
~keywordsA = ["cat", "yellow", "furry"];
~keywordsB = ["cat", "green", "furry"];

~list_of_strings.collect({|e| e.asSymbol}).includesAll( ~keywordsA.collect({|e| e.asSymbol}) ); ---> true
~list_of_strings.collect({|e| e.asSymbol}).includesAll( ~keywordsB.collect({|e| e.asSymbol}) ); ---> false