How do I add Supercollider as a firewall exception?

I’m not a Windows user so I’m not certain what Windows calls it. A quick web search shows instructions like “right click on the speaker or microphone icon.”

Our help file notes that ASIO should try to change the device’s sample rate, so it may be a non-issue.

(How you configure your audio device isn’t really a SC question, though – other Windows users might have more specific advice, but I don’t.)


@Spacechild1 is ASIO4ALL equivalent?


I found the sample rate and it is not the same. Does it matter if the sample rate I choose for the program is the same as the one in control panel?

ASIO4ALL might give slightly lower latency, but the big disadvantage is that it takes full control of the audio device. I would always prefer WASAPI. If you need ultra-low latency, you would use an audio interface with a real ASIO driver anyway.

Does it matter if the sample rate I choose for the program is the same as the one in control panel?

If you pick WASAPI, the Server refuses to boot if you pass the wrong samplerate. WASAPI has an option for automatic resampling, but AFAICT this is not enabled in scsynth or supernova. I have just opened an issue on GitHub: WASAPI: enable automatic samplerate conversion · Issue #6506 · supercollider/supercollider · GitHub)

What do you mean by this?

If i did live coding for example do i need ultra low latency? If so, how can I tell if i have an asio driver? When i check my audio driver, it doesnt give me any specific details.

It means no other applications can use the audio device at the same time.

If i did live coding for example do i need ultra low latency?

Probably not. Low latency is mostly needed for live audio input and/or MIDI input.

If so, how can I tell if i have an asio driver?

ASIO drivers are typically developed for specific audio interfaces. E.g. if you buy a Focusrite Scarlett, you would install the corresponding ASIO driver from their website.

There are also so-called “generic ASIO drivers”, such as ASIO4ALL, that can be used with any device. These are mainly useful for (cheap) audio interfaces that come without dedicated ASIO drivers or for the built-in soundcard. However, in the latter case WASAPI should be enough as you typically wouldn’t use the built-in soundcard for low-latency applications anyway.

You can execute to print all available audio devices. ASIO drivers start with "ASIO : ".

I want to take signal from a microphone and i dont have an audio interface. Is it possible just to connect the microphone to the computer without an interface?

One of the available audio devices is asio, but i dont have an audio interface. Based on the program I want to use, do you think i should asio or WASAPI?

Then do yourself a favor and buy an audio interface :wink: The Behringer UMC series, for example, is very cheap and pretty good for its price. If you’re fine with 2 inputs and 2 outputs, you could get the UMC202 for about 85€ (Behringer U-Phoria UMC202HD – Thomann Österreich)

Is it possible just to connect the microphone to the computer without an interface?

It’s possible but it will sound horrible.

Why is it like that?
Also based on the program i want to use, do you think its possible to use without a mic or external signal? I watched some demos and it seems possible.

Because the built-in line input – if you have any! – is a very low-quality ADC and typically picks up lots of noise from the surrounding electronics. It’s ok for hooking up a gaming headset, but not for making music.

Also based on the program i want to use, do you think its possible to use without a mic or external signal?

I’m a bit confused. In your last post you said that you want to “take signal from a microphone”… Anyway, I don’t know the program in question, so I can’t really give any advice.

Maybe useful to sum up:

  • If using the computer’s built-in soundcard: WASAPI, and set the sample rate in SC to match the soundcard’s settings. Mic input is likely to be poor quality in this case.
  • If using a USB soundcard (recommended, and, if you’re using a pro-grade microphone with standard XLR connectors, necessary): Use the ASIO driver for the soundcard. For live processing of mic input, in the ASIO driver’s settings, set the buffer size to the smallest you can get away with (without dropouts).


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I was asking because you said it would sound horrible.
Ill try using wasapi and see what happens.