How do I synchronize 2 Pbinds?

I’m just getting started with SC. I’m trying to use a series of chords to drive 2 Pbinds:

	a = Pbind(
	\dur, 1,
	\octave, 4,
	\degree,Plet( \ch, pattern: Pseq([\DM,\AM,\Bm,\Fsm,\GM,\DM,\GM,\AM],inf)).trace
	b = Pbind(
	\octave, 3,
	\dur, 1/3,
	\degree, Pseq([Pget( \ch, default: [0], repeats: inf ).flatten],1).trace
c = Plambda(

The first Pbind gets the chord sequence, then using Plet, I pass the chord to the next Pbind to play an arpeggio of the chord. They are played in parallel in a Plambda.
I barely know what’s going on here. I cobbled together a couple examples. This kinda works, but the arpeggios are out of sync with the chords. How do I keep them sync’d.
Is there an easier way to do this?

This section discusses some ways to control sync between two patterns where one is reading from the other.


Thanks for the answer. I think I understand the gist of it. I’ll try applying it to my example.

I used one of the methods you referred me to.

	a = Pbind(
	\dur, 1,
	\octave, 4,
	\degree, Pseq([\DM,\AM,\Bm,\Fsm,\GM,\DM,\GM,\AM],inf).trace
).collect({ |event|
    ~lastBassEvent = event;
}).play(quant: Quant(quant: 1, timingOffset: 0.1));

	b = Pbind(
	\degree,Pfunc { ~lastBassEvent[\degree] }.flatten.trace,
	\octave, 3,
	\dur, 1/3,
	\amp, 0.5
).play(quant: 1);

This seems to work. I think I understand most of it. Quant offset is a confusing. This is a calculation timing value, not a tempo timing. I think I get it.
The second example in that document uses “Ptpar”. I think it means “Timed Parallel”. I’ll try to use it in my original test that used Ppar.

Thanks again for the answer.

I substituted

c = Plambda(


c = Plambda(

and the original version worked as I wanted. I played with the value of offset. The Quant doc states:

.timingOffset = value
For use with patterns only – this enables patterns to run slightly ahead of their sounding time on the clock, giving you control over the order in which threads execute…

From this I assumed the notes would always sound on the beat, but they don’t. TimingOffset effects when they sound. Is this correct?