How to delay transition from 1 to 0 in Pitch ugen

I’m interested in using the Pitch ugen to provide the frequency for an oscillator like SinOsc. I only want to hear output when the Pitch output array index 1 is equal to 1, so I can use that as a mul value. The problem is that when the value goes to 0, the transition is instantaneous. Is there any way I can pipe that transition through another UGen to force it to change more gradually, so I don’t hear a pop in my audio?

Here’s what I’m working with at the moment.

	var sig, pitch;
	sig =, 0.5);
	pitch =, 10.0);
	sig = sig +[0] * 0.5, 0, 0.2 * pitch[1], 0);

You could use .lag or use it to trigger an envelope.