I catch key strokes

Trying to get the Keystroke to work .
The tutorial uses the j key ( which in the code uses keystate nr"38 ; but on my pc is uses keystate nr 74 , both in qwerty and azerty mode .
I replaced the keystate nr38 with 81 ( which is q ) , executing the code and typing q while the (catching ) window is openend …
Console view recognizes the nr ,but no sound at all .
The keystroke nr , controls the sineosc mul value

w = Window.new("I catch keystrokes");
w.view.keyDownAction = { arg view, char, modifiers, unicode, keycode;  [char, keycode].postln; };

// then execute this and then press the 'j' key
w.front; // something safe to type on
{ SinOsc.ar(800, 0, KeyState.kr(81, 0, 0.4)) }.play;



The following post may help you:

Testing in Linux, I found accidentally that the KeyState code 38 from the original helpfile example corresponds to lowercase s.


BUT – this is important – I use a customized mirror-image Dvorak keyboard layout, which places the character s on the A key. On another Ubuntu/debian machine, 38 might be a. I don’t know.

This appears to have no relationship to keycodes or Unicode passed into a keyDownAction.

So my best advice for the moment is to try all the keys until something happens.

BTW in Windows, you’re SOL: [plugins] KeyState UGen not working properly · Issue #4663 · supercollider/supercollider · GitHub – “KeyState is not implemented on Windows, it seems, looking at the code.”

That comment comes from a bug report filed about KeyState problems: [plugins] KeyState UGen not working properly · Issue #4663 · supercollider/supercollider · GitHub


Ah, is KeyState still not implemented on Windows?
I remember having problems with it some years ago because KeyState was not implemented on Windows.
I had to find other possibilities to control synth using keys on the computer keyboard.
The code below is from my old drafts at that time used to build a one-octave keyboard. Could it be useful for @gentleclockdivider?

	var w, n, b, bs, k, ks, x, lay, ctl;
	n = 13;
	x = { |i|
		{ |g = 0|
			LFTri.ar((69 + i).midicps * [1, 1.01])
			* 0.1
			* Env.adsr.kr(gate:g);
	}.play } ! n;
	ctl = { |i=0, gate=0|
		x[i].set(\g, gate.postln) };
	w = Window("self ear-training", Rect(200, 200, 448, 136));
	w.onClose_{ { |i| x[i].free } ! n };
	k = (\a:0, \w:1, \s:2, \e:3, \d:4, \f:5, \t:6, \g:7, \y:8, \h:9, \u:10, \j:11, \k:12);
	// k = ( \q:0, \w:1, \e:2, \r:3, \t:4, \y:5, \u:6, \i:7, \o:8, \p:9, '[':10, ']':11, '\\':12 );
	b = { |parent, label|
		Button(parent, 30@30)
		.mouseDownAction_{ ctl.(label, 1) }.action_{ ctl.(label, 0) }
	lay = w.addFlowLayout;
	bs = { |i| b.(w, i) }!n;
	ks = { |i|
		StaticText(w, 30@30)
		.align_(\center) }!n;
		|view, char|
			ctl.(k[char.asSymbol], 1)
		|view, char, mod, unicode, keycode, key|
			ctl.(k[char.asSymbol], 0)
	StaticText(w, 448@60).string_("Press the key under each number.")