Limiter class or another solution

Are your synths being freed? See references to doneAction in EnvGen help.


there are on doneAction:2 yes , no over loading in the plotTree

there is a lot happening but it all run fine wihtout companderD (just volume not flat as you know =D)

I tried running just one CompanderD by group of instrument and by instrument individually it all crashes the same. I use compander specifically for compressing before it works just fine but when I try to add another level for limiting volume i loose it all

initially once I compressed ,sidechained to kick, my sounds I want to draw a line of volume that cannot be passed. jamshark70 can I do compression + limiting with the Amplitude code you gave me ? i m gonna try anyway but I suspect that these compress using envelope but dosent limite volume

o i tried instead to boost volume of the first compressor that uses compander, sidechained to kick, and after put in the limiter. that seem to work with 2 instruments im gonna try with all project a bit later and update =p

well not a solutionā€¦ jeeez how come this is so hard to do

how come this is so hard to do

Going back to a comment from before: If the problem isnā€™t stated clearly, then the coding process is basically throwing code at the wall and hoping something sticks. The probability of this moving efficiently toward a good solution is extremely low.

TBH at this point I have only the vaguest idea what youā€™re trying to do. It looks like maybe youā€™re trying to do a sidechained pad technique, but thereā€™s something about the sidechain input that isnā€™t working well.

Youā€™ve thrown out a lot of very short, scattershot posts. Each of them has a little information, but the context for each bit of information is not clear. You havenā€™t posted any code examples.

The likelihood of getting a clear answer for an unclear question is pretty low.


all right i bring the codes, sorry this hasnt been taken seriously on my end

Here please haha

and there is a MouseY or X to apply cool gating

haha the wink is actualy the ; ) at the end of the statement.

I d rather send the file if thats ok

You sent a link to the file, thatā€™s good enough.

Itā€™sā€¦ 500+ linesā€¦ :flushed:

Thereā€™s a concept in programming called ā€œminimal working exampleā€ ā€“ try to reproduce the issue with the least code possible. The reason why we do this is because itā€™s really hard to make sense of a big block of code, so it helps a lot to focus the code example on the specific issue.

Another testing methodology is to add elements in, one by one ā€“ presumably it wonā€™t crash with just one element or two, but at some point, youā€™ll add in an element and it will ā€œcrashā€ (not clear what you mean by that btw) ā€“ so then itā€™s something about that element that causes the trouble. Or remove them one by one until it stops crashing ā€“ then the last one to be removed is suspicious. Thatā€™s a form of ā€œdifferential testing.ā€

At this point, I personally donā€™t have time to pore through 500 lines. If you could reduce it or at least point to specific areas, that would help.


all right i keep digging thanks it was over 2000 initially i only kept whats mandatory for the all thing to run also i am programmer and am used to the troubleshooting debugging technique you mentioned or piece per piece.

I understand u dont want to trouble yourself with this file simply to say it runs with one cmd + enter or click haha

Maybe tomorrow I could try just running it, see if the crash reproduces on my machine.

Oh, and code bits should go inside backticks: inline, use backticks like single quotes, or for longer blocks:

write your code here

ā€¦ same as github. Iā€™m sure thereā€™s markup documentation somewhere on the forum.

As youā€™ve recognized, the copy/paste of the code above is pretty well disastrous. Might as well edit and delete ā€“ nobody will try to clean that up. But itā€™s not a big deal because we can get the code from the link.


thanks I say it runs as it is simply volumes wont settle to one value (even if total flat isnt possible) there is too much gaps and yes i dont know why but companderD crashes once I play few instruments together, but its not implemented in this version

So there are two issuesā€¦ One, level ā€œwonā€™t settleā€ where I donā€™t know what it means. Two, crashing with more instruments. (By ā€œcrash,ā€ do you mean that a process quits unexpectedly or something elseā€¦?)

Thereā€™s a reproducer for #1 but not for #2.

Iā€™m not sure I can be of much more help. A technical issue is usually ā€œI expected/wanted X but Iā€™m getting Y.ā€ X, at least, is not at all clear. Iā€™m still not even clear about the context. Are you talking about sidechaining? Or volume limiting the final mix (ā€œmasteringā€)? Or something else entirely? I keep asking about details because the correct solution depends on the context. Trying to guess what you mean is a bad way to solve problems.

Anyway itā€™s almost 11 pm here, so good night.


i ll reupdate in a bit but it might be fixed.

Thanks jamshark

hey thanks heaps for your help

I figured the plop silent / crash happen less after using a bunch of thoses
Server.killAll; .clear);
i am taker if there are other ways to clean the server from left overs

also one of my instrument seems to be faulty im working on it now =)

thanks a lot

Hi, please remember to use backticks for code.

Right, after you start some processes, itā€™s your responsibility to stop them / clean them up. Exactly how to do that is a big topic. My own strategy is to package everything for one ā€œprocessā€ into an object that allocates everything for that process (buses, buffers, groups, infrastructure synths), and releases them all upon .free. So thereā€™s a single point for initialization and cleanup, and I can start/stop/recreate objects at will, for several hours, without reboots. It took a long time to evolve this workflow but it helps a lot.

Saving things in Pdef etc and clearing them all out is a good starting place.

Glad to hear that the situation is improving :sunglasses:


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i will keep the backticks in mind, also for everyone I got some noise artefact or the ā€œplopā€ noise that crashes CompanderD if a modulation faster than 1hz is done on the rq of BHiPass4

bit specific but it does not happen anymore after correcting