\n_query server messages

Hi all !

I’m trying to figure out the server commands and there is something I don’t understand.
I try to get node informations sending a \n_query to the server with s.sendMsg(\n_query, x) and I have no answer from the post window, it just say localhost.
I’ve created the synth with s.sendMsg(\s_new, "test", x = s.nextNodeID) . Also I have the exact same problem with \b_query (again i’m sure about the bufnum), I think I figured out the wrong way…
Thanks for your help

Hi, it goes like this:


a = Synth(\default);

o = OSCFunc({ |msg|
}, '/n_info', s.addr, argTemplate: [a.nodeID]).oneShot;

s.sendMsg(\n_query, a.nodeID);

-> localhost
[ /n_info, 1000, 1, -1, -1, 0 ]

… and you can do other things with the msg inside the function.


Thank you it was the logical information I missed !