As a simple incremental enhancement, I would propose a hybrid approach based on NodeArrayCache and the classes on github ( ServerNodeTree
etc). They are perfectly compatible, and it would be possible to polish a hybrid approach that would be useful for different situations.
ServerNodeTree with NodeArrayCache:
// ServerNodeTree - Simple periodic updates
updateFunc = {
updater = fork {
loop {
server.sendMsg("/g_queryTree", 0, 1);
// NodeArrayCache - Cached update with interval check
update { |action|
var now = Main.elapsedTime;
if((now - lastUpdate) >= updateInterval) {
server.queryAllNodes(true, { |msg|
// ServerNodeTree - Recursive tree building
prAnalyzeNode { |msg, index, nodes, parentList|
// Builds complete tree structure recursively
// NodeArrayCache - Flat processing
prBuildCaches { |numChildren, index, path|
// Builds separate lookup tables
ServerNodeTree: complete tree structure
NodeArrayCache: More efficient with separate caches
ServerNodeTree: designed for traversing relationships
NodeArrayCache: Faster for direct node lookup O(1) complexity
ServerNodeTree: Complete rebuild each time for many things
NodeArrayCache: Can do partial updates.
ServerNodeTree: primarily suitable for tree operations
NodeArrayCache: individual node queries in no time
A hybrid approach might be best, taking:
ServerNodeTree’s cleaner update mechanism (traditional, one recursion takes care of it)
NodeArrayCache’s efficient caching (valid for more than one reason, optimization, and validation, as mentioned before)
Optional tree building for when needed (allow this flexibility)
Better error handling (nobody wrote that, oops)
Ok, so I will call this new class “Hybrid,” combining the best ideas so far:
// Scenario 1: Monitoring a specific synth
// Hybrid is fastest - direct cache lookup
// Scenario 2: Need complete tree visualization
// Hybrid builds it once and caches
// Scenario 3: Watching group children
// Hybrid has fast lookup without tree construction -- O(1), avoiding complexity O(n) or variants
// NodeArrayCache: rebuilds full caches
processNodeTree { |msg| { |info| this.recycleNodeInfo(info) };
this.prBuildCaches(msg[3], 2, [1]);
// ServerNodeTree: rebuilds full tree for everything always
getNodeTree {
if(running) {
if(currentNodeTree.isNil) {
// Hybrid: Builds what you need when you need it (lazy-like)
getNode { |nodeID| ^nodeCache[nodeID] } // Fast lookup if you just need one node O(1)
getNodeTree { // Only builds full tree if requested , avoids complexity when possible
if(currentTree.isNil) { currentTree = this.buildTreeFromMessage }
That’s a good first step and simple
Ignoring all the big tasks relating to earlier posts on a large/complex node tree that would involve a design decision from the leadership of the project (or it will just left as is, if not considered important)