Phaseshaping Osc Algorithms

haha thanks a lot. yeah its a lot of fun and also a bit frustrating because im missing some of the math. but im learning a lot :slight_smile:
I would also like to add the alising suppression described in chapter 3.2 and found this pseudo Ugen classes in Glitch free vowel synthesis test - #2 by Geoffroy. already another difficult task. lets see.

Nearest_Even {
	*ar {
		arg val;
		var val_floor, val_ceil, res, distance;
		val_floor = val.floor;
		val_ceil = val.ceil;
		res = (val % 2,
			[ val_floor, val_ceil ],
		distance = (val - res).abs;
		^ [ res, distance ];

Nearest_Odd {
	*ar {
		arg val;
		var val_floor, val_ceil, res, distance;
		val_floor = val.floor;
		val_ceil = val.ceil;
		res = (val + 1 % 2,
			[ val_floor, val_ceil ],
		distance = (val - res).abs;
		^ [ res, distance ];

Crossfade_Formant {
	*ar {
		arg phasor = 0, phase_mod = 0, harm = 1, pm_index = 1, amp = 1; // lag = 0;
		var harm_even, harm_odd, sig_even, sig_odd, sig, phase;

		phase = phase_mod * pm_index;

		harm_even = (harm);
		sig_even = cos (phasor * 2pi * harm_even[0] + phase);

		harm_odd = (harm);
		sig_odd = cos (phasor * 2pi * harm_odd[0] + phase);

		sig = (sig_even, sig_odd, harm_even[1] * 2 - 1) * amp;
		^ sig;
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