I’ll try a Linux build later today or tomorrow. In the meantime, manually applying just that patch to 3.11.0 on a Windows 10 installation “fixed it”, i.e. your last example bombs without the patch but works fine after reloading the class-lib with the patch (meaning the one from above overriding that constrainStream.) Likewise for the Canonical-provided SC 3.10.0 on Lubuntu 20. I don’t have a Mac, so I cannot try it there.
Can you try just patching a 3.11.0? Does only develop
fail for you?
I did a linux build and I can confirm the bugfix doesn’t fully fix develop
, event though it does fix 3.11.0!! I’ll try to have the bug report reopened.
Specifically, this sequence is ok on develop
Pdef(\one, Pbind(\dur, 0.3, \degree, 1)).play
Pdef(\one, Pfset({}, Pbind(\dur, 0.2, \freq, 440), { "bye".postln })).play
but if you follow it with
Pdef(\one, PmonoArtic(\default, \dur, 0.2, \freq, Pwhite(1,8) * 100 , \legato, 1)).play
Pdef(\one, PmonoArtic(\default, \dur, 0.2, \freq, Pwhite(1,8) * 100, \legato, 0.2 )).play
Pdef(\one, PmonoArtic(\default, \dur, 0.2, \freq, Pwhite(1,8) * 100 , \legato, 1)).play
the last line is still bugged on develop
. It looks like it will take more investigation to find out why.
If your’re willing to beta-test new cleanup system (which fixes several more bugs) it seems it solves this one too in develop (and yeah, I’ve checked it wasn’t actually enabled in other non-develop tests–it’s easy to see because the new system doesn’t pass bare functions in addToCleanup