Problem with boolean .isFile and .isFolder on windows?

Does the following code work for you?
My code is not so elegant as the code by @jamshark70,
but it seems to work well at least on my end:

~buffers = Dictionary[];
~pathBase = Platform.resourceDir;
PathName(~pathBase).filesDo { |item| 
	folder = item.folderName.asSymbol,
	path = item.fullPath;

	if ("aiff|aif|wav|flac".matchRegexp(item.extension)) {
		if( {
			~buffers.put(folder, []);
			("The dictionary key \\" ++ folder + "is added to ~buffers").postln
		~buffers[folder] =, path));
		("The added file to the key \\" ++ folder + "is" + item.fileName).postln;

Post <<< ~buffers


If the subfolders of your main sound folder are only one level deep, the following code might be applicable even though there is no dictionary: