Proxy Space changes localhost output?

Hey guys, I’m new here and I don’t know if this is the correct way/place to ask a question:
I have a problem with the Proxy Space output. I create a Proxy space, but when I try to play a synth, the postwindow says this:, 2).
I guess the 2 means its the “3rd output channel” but beacause I only have 2 outputs on my computer I can’t hear any sound.
Why is that so and how can I fix that. Is there a command to change the Proxy Spaces output or did I understand something generally wrong about the Proxy Space?


My code looks like this:

p = ProxySpace.push(s);
~out = {\*\,
	* Env.perc(\, \;

try this:

p = ProxySpace.push(s);
~out = {\*\,
	* Env.perc(\, \;

when you call .play you are connecting the NodeProxy to the outputs - but in your example your sound was already finished playing


if you try again with a sustaining sound as in the above, you will see that .play starts the monitor.

the ‘2’ in the post window referred to the number of channels

you can set the output for your monitor with an argument: for example.

Read the NodeProxy help for more!