Roar saturator

Wow. Chrome won’t even open on my computer. Weird.

Something nice I find about Ableton’s built-in effects in particular is that they often seem built out of very “standard” kinds of DSP - but there tends to be a lot of care taken in simple but effective signal chains, really good parameterization, and solid (but neutral…) sound design.

Lol, I don’t wanna step on the toes of anyone working at Ableton and putting tons of effort into the component DSP (and just because DSP is using standard techniques doesn’t mean it’s easy or nuance-free!) - but I don’t see much evidence that this is using, you know, virtual analog models for the “drive”, or emulating classic British rack compressors for it’s “compress” - it’s standard techniques, combined in an interesting way, which is a great match for SuperCollider’s capabilities.

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