Scales and tunings without Scale or Tuning


…the library of scales and tunings is a cool convenience though, I write "1 3 5 7".df(\c) to get a C-major7 chord and "1 3 5 7".df(\c,\mixolydian) to get a C-dominant 7th. I know I could just write “1 3 5 6.5” but being a music-theory type it can be nice to just read the usual scales and modes. (my .df method uses Scale and Tuning under the hood)

…and Scale and Tuning are explicitly used by the default Event type. So new users bump into them…

It would be cool if these classes were not so wonky. (and/or had note-names and 1-indexed options so that trad music can look like trad music) - or if we built in some simple convenience methods for Array and Simple Number to help newbs out.

and as @prko suggests maybe'c3'.cps, 0, 0.1) ought to work? or even'c3') or'c3'.tune(\just))

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