Skipping in pbind to a later event

Hello maybe an easy question but cant seem to find the solution.
I’m trying to write longer patterns now and i feel the need to skip the pattern to some certain point. Is there any way in doing so?

Basically i want to set an offset when playing the entire Pbind for all its inherent pattern methods. preferably this is configured somewhere at the play method. I hope this becomes clear in my example:

	\degree, Pseq([1,3,1,2],inf),
	\amp, Pseq([1,0.5,0.6],inf),
	\dur, Pseq([0.1,0.2],inf),
).play // how to make this skip 2?
//i can set to offset the pattern, but need to target each pattern individually. A pbind wide solution would be great
	\degree, Pseq([1,3,1,2],inf,2),
	\amp, Pseq([1,0.5,0.6],inf,2),
	\dur, Pseq([0.1,0.2],inf,2),

thank you very much and merry Jesus day!

Check out Pdrop. You should be able to wrap it around your Pbind to achieve what you’re looking to do.

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Cool thank you very much! The Solution is then quite simple!

	\degree, Pseq([1,3,1,2],inf),
	\amp, Pseq([1,0.5,0.6],inf),
	\dur, 2*Pseq([0.1,0.2],inf),

Also check out Stream:fastForward, which can move Event streams forward in a time-based way.