[solved] Git.checkForGit (Windows)

Which option must be selected so that Git.checkForGit will return true on Windows?

*checkForGit {
		var gitFind;
		if(gitIsInstalled.isNil) {
			if(thisProcess.platform.name !== 'windows') {
				gitFind = "which git";
			} {
				gitFind = "where git";
			Pipe.callSync(gitFind, {
				gitIsInstalled = true;
			}, { arg error;
				"Quarks requires git to be installed".error;
				gitIsInstalled = false;

I’ve installed Git in the past with no issues having Git.checkForGit return true.

Right now it’s returning as false after a fresh install… it’s unclear to me why or which selection box during the Git setup would be causing this.

Problem solved.

Original install choose to run from git bash only.