SOLVED: Sine2 message exits server

Hello :slight_smile:
First post on here and first brickwall ^^

I’ve come across a problem i can’t figure out…
When sending a b_gen message to the server with sine2,
i get an exit code 0.

This works:

({ |i|
	var n;
	s.sendMsg(\b_alloc, i, 1024);
	n = (1+i)**2;
	a = Array.fill(n, {|j| 1.0.rand2; });
	s.performList(\sendMsg, \b_gen, i, \sine1, 7, a);

While this doesn’t:

({ |i|
	var n;
	s.sendMsg(\b_alloc, i, 1024);
	n = (1+i)**2;
	a = Array.fill(n, {|j| 1.0.rand2; });
	f = Array.fill(n, {|k| ((n*k).tan).abs; }).sort;
	s.performList(\sendMsg, \b_gen, i, \sine2, 7, f, a);

I’ve tried just doing:

s.sendMsg(\b_alloc, 0, 1024);
s.performList(\sendMsg, \b_gen, 0, \sine1, 7, [1,1,1,1]); // works
s.performList(\sendMsg, \b_gen, 0, \sine2, 7, [1,2,3,4], [1,1,1,1]); // doesn't

This text will be hidden
Same thing.

Is the sine2 function broken? Am i doing something wrong? :thinking:
Can’t find anything about this issue on the web either.

I’m using 3.11 on Mojave.

EDIT: OK! So that’s me being stupid!

The array arguments have to be in the same array when sending to b_gen! hmmm :bulb:


s.performList(\sendMsg, \b_gen, i, \sine2, 7, f, a); // won't work!
s.performList(\sendMsg, \b_gen, i, \sine2, 7, [f, a]); // booyaa!