SuperCollider 4: First Thoughts

Your work on Tidal documentation sounds fantastic! I also echo your and several other people’s sentiments here that a documentation overhaul does not need a version 4.

There is a tutorial available on how to contribute to the documentation on the SuperCollider github wiki page: The entire Developer Reference > General Workflow is great, with specifically the Creating Pull Requests section describing branch naming conventions, as well as formatting pull request messages, etc. Creating pull requests · supercollider/supercollider Wiki · GitHub.

Eli Fieldsteel also put together a great tutorial on this:

It might be good to break out documentation refactoring into a new thread. There’s the one that @Rainer started recently, though seems geared toward a few specific pages-- Writing Help: Workflow, or we can start a new one specifically for refactoring and reorganizing on a larger scale…

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