I’ve got SC 3.13 up and running in native arm64 on my M1 mbp. I’d like to use VSTPlugin but I’m having a hard time figuring out how to get it set up.
I’m not a dev and I’ve never built from source before, and I was confused by the instructions in the README until i had the realization that they might be outdated for my use case, since they seem to have been written before the native M1 build of SuperCollider became available. Then I tried using the scripts provided by @madskjeldgaard to automatically build from source, but the build failed and returned an error.
$ ./vstplugin.sh arm64
Building vstplugin for architecture arm64
./vstplugin.sh: line 26: /vstplugin/.git-ci/get_vst2.sh: No such file or directory
./vstplugin.sh: line 29: /vstplugin/.git-ci/get_vst3.sh: No such file or directory
./vstplugin.sh: line 33: cmake: command not found
It would be lovely if somebody could provide compiled binaries for M1.