What does \psSet exactly sequence?


just trying to get my head around sequencing in JITLib.
I’ve seen examples that look like this

// ...
// code inside a ProxySpace
// ... 
~player = \psSet -> Pbind(...)

but the parameters of the Pbind don’t specify any node proxy. Does it just sequence the specified parameters for all the nodes in the proxy space that have them? Is it possible to have more than one sequencer playing at the same time in the same ProxySpace to use separately with different node proxies?

I haven’t found any documentation on this. Could you point me somewhere or please provide a quick explanation?


This isn’t JITLib actually – it’s JITModular (which I’ll call JM here).

JM is a specific usage of JITLib in which a whole ProxySpace works as one modular synthesizer. So you shouldn’t think of sequencing the individual node proxies but rather of sequencing the ProxySpace. (If that sounds crazy, it’s because JITLib doesn’t natively think that way… but JITModular does.)

If multiple proxies (modules) have the same argument name, psSet treats them as the same parameter with the same value globally within that ProxySpace. So, to distinguish between controls of different proxies, make sure they have different names.

(And, if you don’t want the proxies to be treated together as part of the same modular synth, then JITModular is not what you want and \psSet isn’t the right tool for that usage.)


That was a very clear explanation, thanks.

Wow this seems useful …