A simple way or formula to set a cycle of waveform per cps for stethoscope

Has anyone ever found a simple way or formula to set a cycle of waveform per cps for a stethoscope? I can find the approximate values for some frequencies but cannot find a general formula…

w = Window.new("my own scope", Rect(20, 20, 400, 500));
w.view.decorator = FlowLayout(w.view.bounds);
c = Stethoscope(s, 4, view:w.view);
w.onClose = { c.free }; // don't forget this

x = { |freq| SinOsc.ar(freq * (1..4)) * 0.1 };

y = x.play(args:[freq:20]);

y.set(\freq, 30);
c.xZoom_(0.42655 * 3 / 2)

y.set(\freq, 50);
c.xZoom_(0.42655 * 5 / 2)

y.set(\freq, 70);
c.xZoom_(0.426488981905 * 7 / 2)


An easier way would be to make {....}.plot embeddable:

You can use the cycle method like this:

w = Window.new("my own scope", Rect(20, 20, 400, 400));
w.view.decorator = FlowLayout(w.view.bounds);
c = Stethoscope(s, 4, view:w.view);
w.onClose = { c.free }; // don't forget this
x = { |freq| SinOsc.ar(freq * (1..4)) * 0.3 };

y = x.play(args:[freq:200]);
c.cycle_(s.sampleRate / 200)


y = x.play(args:[freq:300]);
c.cycle_(s.sampleRate / 300)


Sometimes you still get some movement. In the example, on my system freq of 200 moves a bit, but freq 300 is locked.


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Thank you so much! This example is great!
I have also tried to use `.cycle’ but not as successfully as this!