Ableton Push w/ SC

Has anyone used Ableton hardware with SC?

The original model, came with a certain difficultly… released for the Push 2 there’s an exhaustive programming reference… on github.

Have you looked into Modality Toolkit?
I haven’t played with it myself, but maybe it would be of service to you.

That’s excellent advice… I now recall looking into Mtk a long time ago.

It appears they’re missing the sysex messages for writing to the lcd screen… for the original Push:

~lcd =

	|alpha index lcd|
			240, 71, (..127) @@ alpha, // brightness
			21, (24..27) @@ index, // line #
			0, 69, 0, * fill // full screen
				Int8Array, 68, 
					lcd.ascii.reverse.pop ? 32 // destructive

If someone could test this, my board is not lost forever… but seems to be MIA, at the moment.