Hi all
I was playing around a little with rdd’s code from this thread:
I modified it like this:
var o, f, s, snd;
o = LFSaw.kr([8, 7.23, 8.29, 7.43], 0) * 3 + 80;
f = LFSaw.kr(0.4, 0) * 24 + o;
s = SinOsc.ar(f.midicps, 0) * 0.04;
s = LeakDC.ar(s);
snd = CombN.ar(s, 0.4, LFNoise2.ar(LFNoise2.ar(1).range(1,3)!4).range(0.01, 0.3), 4) * 0.1;
snd = Splay.ar(snd);
snd = SafetyLimiter.ar(snd);
Quite soon I receive:
CheckBadValues: NaN found in Synth 1008, ID 0 (previous 1013430 values were normal)
CheckBadValues: infinity found in Synth 1008, ID 0 (previous 1013430 values were normal)
Guess that’s expected. Is there anything one could to produce a sound like this without blowing things up?