About the Eli Fieldsteel's book, Supercollider for the Creative Musician

Hi everyone, I have been asked my opinion about the Eli Fieldsteel’s book, here is my answer:

Several things: the format is a little larger than an A4 and is ideal for working and writing things down in the margins…
Secondly, the quality of the paper is undeniable and makes it very pleasant to read!
Last but not least: the content is very well done from a pedagogical point of view and takes up in a coherent and very clear way a lot of information that I had found scattered here and there. Super motivating to work and learn…. For me, it’s a must! (I don’t get a percentage lol) and in my humble opinion every super collider user should have it with him/her… :star_struck:. I think this book is a game-changer in Super Collider’s learning and maybe it will give it a new lease of life…

Ps: for the record, having ordered it on a very (too?) well-known commercial site, this one out of pure Christian charity no doubt :joy: sent me a duplicate copy! :hugs:
In short, I can only recommend it


i got the book both in print and e-book format, even though i knew most of the stuff, I just wanted to support Eli. Also the explanations in the book are really good and pedagogical as you said, it’s a nice read. I noticed some things that I missed out, while reading


Ok I understand…for me, the paper, the book version is better ans less tiring for the eyes. As said before, it’s also very nice to be able to note things in the paper version :hugs:
Thanks for your message and everyone sees noon at his door! The main thing is to find the version that suits you… :smiling_face:

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I second that. Working through the book and the code examples is a pleasure. Highly recommended.

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@beryann Nice to hear! Did you order the paperback or the hardcover edition? Just curious to know if the paperback edition is also so good.

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the paperback edition is great with a large format, very convenient to read and takes notes! :smiling_face:


Thanks. I ordered that one :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hi, everyone!
I’m new here; Here’s my fresh copy of Supercollider for the creative musician.

After years of modular thinkering now is the time for some code noodling! :slight_smile:


hello @RangMod very good choice, take it easy with it! :blush:

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