Analysis of a project with 4 Interconnected classes - OOP

Hi everyone,
I am trying to understand/use a project, that seems very interesting.

But not being too familiar with writing classes, I find myself drown in an inch of water.
To summarize the problem as much as possible, I can say that there are relationships between objects and therefore in order to use the system properly, you need to understand how to write the code where these objects are interconnected correctly.

The project is about a system to write carnatic music, specifically Konnakol but with the advantage of being able to exploit algorithmic composition techniques on those materials.

There 4 classes:

  1. KonaWord
  2. KonaTime
  3. KonaTani
  4. KonaGenerator

1 -------------------------------------------------- KONAWORD

/* ========================================================================= */
/* = KonaWord Class - Represents a a single Konakkol word made up of jatis = */
/* ========================================================================= */

KonaWord {
    classvar words; //Lookup table for syllables to use

    var <tani; //The Tani that this word belongs to
    var <word; //The word the instance represents, an Array of symbols
    var <jatis; //The number of syllables in the word
    var <gati; //The subdivision of the beat.
    var <karve; //The number of matras each jati should occupy.
    var <matras; //The number of pulses/sub-divisions in the word;
    var <speed; //The duration wait between syllables
    var <dur; //The duration of the word (the jatis * karve)
    var <val; //Jatis, dur and word in an array for comparison
    var <rout; //The routine for playing this phrase
    var konaSynth; //Symbol of the SynthDef to use
    var <accent; //Additional accent on the first syllable

    *initClass {
        //Set up lookup table for syllables
        words = Array.newClear(10);
        words[0] = ['-'];
        words[1] = ['Ta'];
        words[2] = ['Ta', 'Ka'];
        words[3] = ['Ta', 'Ki', 'Tah'];
        words[4] = ['Ta', 'Ka', 'Di', 'Mi'];
        words[5] = ['Da', 'Di', 'Gi', 'Na', 'Dom'];
        words[6] = ['Ta', 'Ki', 'Tah', 'Ta', 'Ki', 'Tah'];
        words[7] = ['Ta', 'Ka', 'Di', 'Mi', 'Ta', 'Ki', 'Tah'];
        words[8] = ['Ta', 'Ka', 'Di', 'Mi', 'Ta', 'Ka', 'Ju', 'Na'];
        words[9] = ['Da', 'Di', 'Gi', 'Na', 'Dom', 'Ta', 'Ka', 'Di', 'Mi'];


    *new {|argSyls, argGati, argKarve=1, argTani, argSynth|
        //Check arguments aren't nil
        if( (argSyls==nil) || (argGati == nil),
            {^"arguments not set\n Provide (numSyllables, gati)"}

        //Check specified group is within bounds, the gati is legit
        if( argSyls<=9 && ([4,3,5,7,9].includes(argGati)),
            {^, argGati, argKarve, argTani, argSynth)
            {^"Bad Size or Gati"}
    // Inizializzazione
    konaWordInit { |argSyls, argGati, argKarve, argTani, argSynth|
        tani = argTani;
        word = words[argSyls];
        jatis = word.size;
        gati = argGati;
        karve = argKarve;
        matras = jatis*karve;
        speed = ((1/gati)*karve);
        dur = speed * jatis;

        val = [jatis, dur, word];
        accent = 0;

        if(tani!=nil) {
            konaSynth = tani.konaSynth
        } {
            if(argSynth!=nil) {
                konaSynth = argSynth
            } {
                konaSynth = \beep     // SynthDef di default \beep

    //Method to set the routine for this word. Stored in a function for re-use
    setRoutine {
        var ind;
        var rate;
        var amp;

        //MIDI variables
        var bOne; //MIDI note for first beat (always an open sound)
        var bOthers; //Chosen MIDI notes for other beats;
        var othersComplete; //Possible MIDI notes for other beats
        var othersTemp; //Storage for next 'other beat' MIDI note.
        var note; //Chosen MIDI pitch.
        var val; //Temporary storage of chosen MIDI note.
        var vel; //Chosen velocity for MIDI note.

        switch (konaSynth)
        {nil} {
            rout = Routine {
                    amp = 0.2;
                    {word[i]=='-'} {amp=0}
                    {i==0} {amp=0.4};
                    tani.s.bind{Synth(konaSynth, [\amp,

		// Controlla quel synth ??

        {\konaHit} {
            rout = Routine {
       { |i|
                    //Index of the syllable to be played
                    ind = tani.syls.indexOf(word[i]);
                    if(i==0) {(amp=0.8+(accent/10)).min(1)} {amp=0.6};
                    if(word[i]!='-') {
                        tani.s.bind {
                            Synth(\konaHit, [\out, 0, \bufnum, tani.fftBuff,
                                \recBuf, tani.buffers[ind], \rate, ((tani.laya/60)*(0.25/speed)).max(1);]);

                        if(i==0) {
                        } {
                        " ".post;
              ; " ".post;
                    } {
                        word[i].post; " ".post;
              ; " ".post;
        } // Midi
        {\MIDITranscribe} {
            rout = Routine {
       { |i|
                    if(word[i]!='-') {
                        {note = 48; vel = ((70..100).choose+accent).min(127)}
                        {note = 52; vel = (100+accent).min(127)};
                        tani.mOut.noteOn(0, note, vel);
                        if(i==0) {
                        } {
                        " ".post;
              ; " ".post;
                        tani.mOut.noteOff(0, note, vel);
                    } {
                        word[i].post; " ".post;
              ; " ".post;

        //Automated mapping of strokes for Kanjira virtual instrument
        {\MIDIPlay} {
            bOne = [36, 37, 38, 39, 45, 46, 47].choose;
            othersComplete = (48..55);
            othersTemp = Array.newFrom(othersComplete);
            bOthers = Array.newClear(word.size-1);
            (word.size-1).do { |i|
                val = othersTemp.choose;
                bOthers[i] = val;
                othersTemp = Array.newFrom(othersComplete);
            rout = Routine {
       { |i|
                    if(word[i]!='-') {
                        if(i==0) {
                            note = bOne;
                            vel = (100+accent).min(127);
                            word[i].post; " ".post;

                        } {
                            note = bOthers[i-1];
                            vel = (70..100).choose;
                            word[i]; " ".post;

                        tani.mOut.noteOn(0, note, vel);
              ; " ".post;
                        tani.mOut.noteOff(0, note, vel);
                    } {
                        word[i].post; " ".post;
              ; " ".post;
                " ".postln;



    play {;

    //Concatonation method to return a new KonaTime with both KonaItems
    ++ { |aKonaItem|
        var newTime =;

    //Printing method for timing information of the word.
    postWord {|argW=true, argD=true, argF=true|
        var words, decimals, fractions;
        var maxItemLength;

        words = Array.newClear(jatis);
        decimals = Array.newClear(jatis);
        fractions = Array.newClear(jatis); { |i|
            words[i] = word[i].asString;
            decimals[i] = speed.asString[0..4];
            fractions[i] = (speed/4).asFraction(100,false).asString;

        maxItemLength = [words.maxItem, decimals.maxItem, fractions.maxItem].maxItem.size; { |i|
            var numSpaces;
            numSpaces = maxItemLength - words[i].size;
                words[i] = words[i] ++ " ";
            numSpaces = maxItemLength - decimals[i].size;
                decimals[i] = decimals[i] ++ " ";
            numSpaces = maxItemLength - fractions[i].size;
                fractions[i] = fractions[i] ++ " ";

        if(argW) {
        if(argD) {
        if(argF) {

        ^[words, decimals, fractions];


    //For adding additional accents to the first syllable
    accentFirst {
        accent = accent + 10;

2 -------------------------------------------------- KONATIME

/* ======================================================================= */
/* = KonaTime Class - Collection class that represents phrases of music = */
/* ======================================================================= */

KonaTime : List {

	var <tani; // The tani this belongs to
	var <tala; // The tala of the tani
	var <talaSum; // The sum of the tala beats
	var dur; // The duration of this instance
	var allDurs;
	var word;
	var jatis; // The total number of Jatis in this instance
	var matras; // The total number of matras in this instance
	var numTalas; // The number of talas this instance represents
	var rout; // The playback routine
	var gati; // The gati of the first object. In most cases
	// the gati will be the same for all objects,
	// but for experimental work this might be mixed.

	*new {|argTani|

	//Create a new instance from a given collection of KonaItems
	*newFrom{|aCol, aTani|
		var tani;
		var ret;

		tani = aTani;
		ret =; { |i|


	*fill{ |size, function, argTani|
		var newCollection =; { |i|

	konaTimeInit {|argTani|
		tani = argTani;
				tala = tani.tala;
				talaSum = tala.sum;


	//Add an item
	add {|argItem|
		//Ensure against non-KonaItems
		if(argItem.class==KonaWord || (argItem.class==KonaTime)) {
			if(argItem==this) {
				super.add(KonaTime.newFrom(argItem, argItem.tani))
			} {
		//Accent the first item in the phrase
		if(this.size==1) {
			gati = this[0].gati;

	//Add a collection
	addAll { |argCollection|

	//Duration getter method
	dur {
		var ret = 0; { |item, i|
			ret = ret + item.dur;

	//Duration getter method for all contained objects
	allDurs {
		allDurs = Array.newClear(this.size);{ |item, i|
			if(item.class==KonaWord) {
				allDurs[i] = Array.fill(item.jatis, item.speed);
			} {
				allDurs[i] = item.allDurs


	//Jatis getter method
	jatis {
		jatis = 0; { |i|
			jatis = jatis + this[i].jatis;

	//Matras getter method
	matras {
		matras = 0; { |i|
			matras = matras + this[i].matras;

	//Karve getter method, returns the mode karve of the instance.
	karve {
		var karves = this.collect({|item, i| item.karve});

		^karves.maxItem({|item, i| karves.occurrencesOf(item)})

	//Returns the number of cycles this instance occupies
	numTalas {
		numTalas = 0;
		^numTalas = this.dur/this.talaSum;

	//The playback routine for this instance
	rout {
		rout ={}); { |item, i|
			rout = rout++item.rout

	//Play the instance routine to the parent KonaTani's clock.
	play {;

	//Concatonation method for combining KonaItems
	++ { |aKonaItem|
		var newTime =;

	//Getter method for the word of all of the contained objects
	word {
		word = List[];{|item, i| word.add(item.word)});

	//Method for printing the word and timing of all contained objects
	postWord {|argW=true, argD=true, argF=true|
		var words, decimals, fractions;
		var get; {|item, i|
			get = item.postWord(false, false, false);
			words = words ++ get[0];
			decimals = decimals ++ get[1];
			fractions = fractions ++ get[2];

		if(argW) {
		if(argD) {
		if(argF) {
		^[words, decimals, fractions];

	//Method to accent the first syllable of the first item in the KonaWord
	//Works recursively on KonaTimes
	accentFirst {
		if(this[0]!=nil) {

	//Method to return the maximum speed in this KonaTime, works recursively
	// on KonaTimes.
	speed {
		var ret = this[0].speed; { |item, i|
			if(item.speed < ret) {
				ret = item.speed;

	//Getter method, returns the gati of the first object.
	gati {

	//Method to return the largest word in number of jatis (works recursively
	// for KonaTimes)
	greatestJatis {
		var ret = 0;
		var val; { |item, i|
			if(item.class==KonaWord) {
				val = item.jatis;
			} {
				val = item.greatestJatis;

			if(val>ret) {ret = val};


	//Overridden reverse method to include passing the tani into the resulting
	// reversed KonaTime
	reverse {
		^this.class.newFrom(this.asArray.reverse, tani)

3 -------------------------------------------------- KONATANI

/* =========================================================================== */
/* = KonaTani Class - Class to contain and playback whole pieces of music = */
/* =========================================================================== */

KonaTani {
    classvar allTalas; // A set of the common talas

    var <laya; // Tempo
    var <tala; // Beats in cycle
    var <talaSym; // The tala in symbols
    var <gati; // 'Default' sub-divisions per beats
    var <otherGatis; // Sub-divisions to change to
    var <gen; // Material generator
    var <store; // Whole solo stored in a KonaTime

    //Playback variables
    var <s; // Server
    var <konaSynth; // Synth to use
    var <clock; // Playback Tempo Clock
    var <fftBuffArray; // Array of buffers for PV_PlayBuf FFT
    var <fftRout; // Routine to cycle through FFT buffers
    var <fftBuff; // Next FFT buffer to use
    var <syls; // Array of syllables for opening analysis file/directory
    var <buffers; // Buffers for scpv files
    var <talaRout; // Routine for tala clapping
    var <pRout; // Routine for playback;
    var <mOut; // MIDIOut

    *initClass {
        allTalas = [
            ["I4","O","O"], // Adi Tala
            ["U","O"], // Rupaka Tala
            ["U1", "R", "W", "W", "R"], // Khanda Capu
            ["W", "W", "R", "U", "U"] // Misra Capu

    *new {|argLaya=60, argTala=#["I4","O","O"], argGati=4, argOtherGatis=#[3], argSynth=\konaHit|

		^, argTala, argGati, argOtherGatis, argSynth);

	*rand{|argLaya, argTala, argGati, argOtherGatis, argSynth=\konaHit|

            var laya = argLaya ?? {rrand(60,140)};
            var tala = argTala ?? {allTalas.choose};
            var gati = argGati ?? {[4,3,5,7,9].choose};
            var otherGatis = argOtherGatis ?? {[4,3,5,7,9].select({|item, i|  item!=gati })};

            ^, tala, gati, otherGatis, argSynth);


        konaTaniInit {|argLaya, argTala, argGati, argOtherGatis, argSynth|
            var oneCycleDur;

            laya = argLaya;
            talaSym = argTala;
            tala = this.setTala(talaSym);
            gati = argGati;
            otherGatis = argOtherGatis;

            gen =, laya, tala, gati);

            oneCycleDur = tala.sum*(60/laya); //Duration of one cycle

            store =;

            //Playback Variables
            konaSynth = argSynth;

            //Setup tala and clapping Routine

            //Load SynthDefs

        //Convert the tala from symbols to numbers
        setTala {|aTala|
            var ret = List[];

            if(aTala.every { |item, i| item.class==Integer}) {
            } {
       { |item, i|
                    switch (item[0].asSymbol)
                    {'I'} {ret.add(item[1].digit)}
                    {'O'} {ret.add(2)}
                    {'U'} {
                        switch ((item[1]!=nil).and({item[1].digit}) )
                        {1} {ret.add(0.5)}
                        {false} {ret.add(1)};
                    {'W'} {ret.add(0.5)}
                    {'R'} {ret.add(0.5)};



        //Setup playback variables
        setPlayback {
            s = Server.default;
            clock =;
            //Array of buffers for FFT
            fftBuffArray = Array.fill(10, {Buffer.alloc(s, 1024)});
            //Syllables Array
            syls = ['Tam', 'Ta', 'Ka', 'Ki', 'Tah', 'Di', 'Mi', 'Da', 'Gi', 'Na',
                'Dom', '-', 'Ju', 'Lan', 'Gu', 'Tom', 'Nam', 'Ri', 'Du', 'Din'];

            //Buffers for PV analysis files
  {|i| buffers[i] =, "sounds/Solkattu/"++syls[i]++".wav.scpv")});

            //FFT Buffers and Routine
            fftRout ={
                    fftBuff = fftBuffArray.wrapAt(i);

		// //MIDI
		// MIDIClient.init(1,1);
		// mOut = MIDIOut.newByName("loopMIDI Port", "loopMIDI Port 1");


        //Setup SynthDefs
        setSynthDefs {
            //Default SynthDef
            SynthDef(\konaHit, { arg out=0, bufnum=0, recBuf=1, rate=1, amp=0.8;
                var chain, signal;
                chain = PV_PlayBuf(bufnum, recBuf, rate, 0, 0);
                signal = IFFT(chain, 1)*amp;
      , doneAction:2);
      , signal.dup);

            // Clapping SynthDef by Thor Magnusson
            SynthDef(\clapping, {arg t_trig=1, amp=0.5, filterfreq=100, rq=0.1;
                var env, signal, attack, noise, hpf1, hpf2;
                noise =[filterfreq/2,filterfreq/2+4 ],pi*0.5,,0.01,4));
                hpf1 =, filterfreq, rq);
                hpf2 =, filterfreq/2, rq/4);
                env =, 0.00035));
                signal = (hpf1+hpf2) * env;
                signal =, 0.5, 0.03, 0.031), 0.5,0.03016, 0.06);
                //signal =, 0.23, 0.15, 0.2);
                signal =, 0.7, 0.01);
      ,*amp, 0));
      , doneAction:2);

        //Playback the contained piece of music with the tala cycle
        play {

        //Stop routine playback
        stop {

        //Generate the clapping routine for the Tala
        makeTalaRout {
            var func = {|amp1, amp2, freq1, freq2, rq| s.bind {Synth(\clapping, [\amp,rrand(amp1, amp2), \filterfreq, rrand(freq1, freq2), \rq, rq.rand]) }};

            talaRout = Routine {
           { |item, i|
                        switch (item[0].asSymbol)
                        {'I'} {
                            func.(0.4, 0.5, 2000, 2500, 0.9);
                            //Finger Taps
                            (item[1].digit-1).do { |j|
                                func.(0.01, 0.05, 6000, 7000, 0.9);
                        {'O'} {
                            func.(0.4, 0.5, 2000, 2500, 0.9);
                            //Back of hand / wave
                            func.(0.01, 0.03, 400, 600, 0.9);
                        {'U'} {
                            func.(0.4, 0.5, 2000, 2500, 0.9);
                            switch ((item[1]!=nil).and({item[1].digit}) )
                            {1} {0.5.wait}
                            {false} {1.wait};
                        {'W'} {
                            func.(0.3, 0.4, 400, 600, 0.9);
                        {'R'} {


        //Getter for the music routine
        rout {

        //Add an item to this instance's KonaTime
        add {|aKonaItem|
            pRout = store.rout;
        //Add a collection of items to this instance's KonaTime
        addAll { |argCollection|
            pRout = store.rout;

        //Clear this instance's KonaTime
        clear {
            store =;
            pRout = store.rout;

        //Setter method for the gati
            gati = aGati;
            gen.gati = aGati;

4 -------------------------------------------------- KONAGENERATOR

/* ================================================================== */
/* = KonaGenerator Class - Class to generate and manipulate rhythms = */
/* ================================================================== */

KonaGenerator {
	var tani; // The Tani that this KonaGenerator belongs to
	var laya; // The Laya (tempo) of the tani
	var <>gati; // The current Gati (beat subdivision) of the Tani
	var <gatiPowers; // The series of powers belonging to the gati;
	var <tala; // The Tala of this Tani
	var <>pMax; //Maximum perceptual time for a motif. May make this method specific

	*new {|argTani, argLaya, argTala, argGati=4|
		^, argLaya, argTala, argGati);

	konaGeneratorInit {|argTani, argLaya, argTala, argGati|
		tani = argTani;
		laya = argLaya;
		tala = argTala;
		gati = argGati;

		gatiPowers = this.setGatiPowers(argGati);

		pMax = 5; //Rough perceptual present in seconds

	// setGatiPowers
	// Method to create the series of values to which the gati belongs
	// e.g. Series for gati 3 = [3, 6, 12, 24, 48, 96, 192]
	// Special circumstances for gati 4 to include 2 = [2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128]
	setGatiPowers {|aGati|
		var powers;

			{powers = List[(aGati/2).asInteger]},
			{powers = List[(aGati).asInteger]}
		); { |i|
			powers.add( (powers[powers.size-1]*2).asInteger)


	/* ======================================================= */
	/* = Generation Methods = */
	/* ======================================================= */

	/* = Maths Methods = */

	// allPartitions
	// @n Total number of beats to partition
	// @min Minimum part size
	// @max Maximum part size
	// -Method to generate all partitions and permutations of an integer  (duration)
	// -Uses ZS2 Algorithm from "Fast Algorithms For Generating Integer Partitions"

	// by Zoghbi and Stojmenovic
	// -Doubly restricted by default to 2 and 9, but the mininum
	// restriction is available as an argument
	// -This is because of the restriction on Konakkol word size

	allPartitions { |aNum, aMin=2, aMax, aUParts|
		var tmax; // The maxmimum size a part of a partition may be
		var x; // An array to store each new partition in;
		var h; // The index of the last part of partition that is > 1
		var m; // The number of parts in a partition
		var j; // The index of the next part to be increased
		var r; // A variable used to calculate the next m
		var partition; // A freshly baked partition
		var add; // Boolean; whether this partition should be added.
		var ret; // The array to be returned.
		var readFunc; // Function to read partitions from a file.
		var n, min, max; //vars for aNum aMin and aMax.

		//Ensure against floats.
		n = aNum.asInteger;
		min = aMin.asInteger;
		readFunc = {|val| Object.readArchive(Platform.userExtensionDir++"/FYPClasses/partitions/"++val.asString)};

		//There are no partitions of 1
		{n==1} {^[[1]]}
		//If n==2 and min==2 there are no partitions of
		{n==2 && (min==2)} {^[[2]]}
		{n>=40} {
			if(aUParts==nil) {
			} {
				^this.removeGreaterThan(readFunc.(n), aUParts);

		ret = List[];
		//Fill the array with n 1s
		x = Array.fill(n, 1);
		//Add the array as it forms the first partition
		if(min==1) {
		//Alter x; set the second element ([1]) to 2 and add the subarray x[1..n]
		x[1] = 2;
		if(min==1) {
		h = 1;
		m = n-1;
		//If the max argument is not set, use n if below 9, else use 9
		if( aMax == nil ) {
			if(n>9) {
				tmax = 9;

			} {
				tmax = n;
		} {
			//Else if the argument is n-1 or n, use the argument as given
			if(aMax >= (n-1)) {
				tmax = aMax.asInteger;
			} {
				//Else add 1 to the argument.
				//This is to ensure that the maximum argument works correctly
				//If used as given, a max arg of 3 would return results up to size 3
				tmax = aMax.asInteger+1;

		//Generate further partitions
		while({x[1] != tmax},
				if( (m-h) > 1) {
					h = h+1;
					x[h] = 2;
					m = (m-1);
				} {
					j = (m-2);

					while({x[j] == x[m-1]},
							x[j] = 1;
							j = (j-1);
					h = (j+1);
					x[h] = (x[m-1] +1);
					r = (x[m] + ((x[m-1])*(m-h-1)));

					x[m] = 1;

					if( (m-h) > 1 ) {
						x[m-1] = 1
					m = (h + (r-1));

				partition = x[1..m];
				//If a maximum number of unique parts has been set
				if(aUParts!=nil) {
					//If the number of unique parts is acceptable.
					if(partition.asSet.size<=aUParts) {
						add = true
					} {
						add = false
				} {
					add = true;

				if(partition.minItem >= min && (add==true)) {



	// randomPartition
	// Method to choose a random partition
	// @duration number of beats for the partition
	// @min minimum part size
	// @max maximum part size
	// @notSize boolean, true means partition of 1 part equal to size will
	// not be returned. E.g. duration 4 can't return partition
	// @seed seed for random selection

	randomPartition { |duration, min=2, aMax, notSize=false, seed|
		var allPartitions;
		var max;

		if(seed!=nil) {

		max = aMax ?? {if(duration>9) {9} {duration}};

		allPartitions = this.allPartitions(duration, min, max);

		if(notSize && (allPartitions.size>1)) { { |item, i|
				if(item[0]==duration) {


	// allPerms
	// Method to generate all permutations of a partition
	// @aCollection The partition array to generate permutations of

	allPerms {|aCollection|
		var col; //Collection to permute
		var ret; //Array to return permutations
		var perm; //Temp variable for storing permutation
		col = aCollection;
		ret = List[];

		//If the partition is not just made up of 1 unique number (e.g. [2,2,2])
		if(col.occurrencesOf(col[0]) != col.size) {
			//Loop to create all permutations { |i|
				perm = col.permute(i);
 //If ret doesn't already contain the new permutation
 if(not(ret.any { |item, i| item.asArray == perm })) {
 //Add it
 } {
 //Else (if the partition IS made up of just 1 unique number)

 //Return all partitions

// randomPerm
// Method to choose a random permutation
// @partition Partition to generate permutations from
// @seed seed for random selection
randomPerm { |partition, seed|
 var permutation;
 if(seed!=nil) {

 permutation = (partition.size+1).factorial.asInteger.rand;


// removeGreaterThan
// Method to remove all partitions from a collection
// that have more than a given number of unique parts
// @aCollection Collection to remove partitions from
// @val Maximum number of unique partitions
removeGreaterThan {|aCollection, val, weight=0.97|
 var col; // Instance collection
 var temp; // Temporary list for checking partitions

 col = aCollection;
 temp = List[]; { |item, i|
 if(item.asSet.size>val) {
 col = col.removeAtIndexes(temp);

	// removeThoseContaining
// Method to remove all partitions from a collection
// that contain certain values
// Individual weights can be passed for probabalistic results
// @aCollection Collection to remove paritions from
// @valCol Collection of taboo values
// @weightCol Collection of weights for taboo values
removeThoseContaining {|aCollection, valCol, weightCol|

 var col; // Partitions
 var vCol; // Values
 var wCol; // Weights
 var inds; // Indexes of partitions to remove
 var saveIndex;

 col = aCollection;

 vCol = valCol;

 //If no weights are supplied, remove is guaranteed
 wCol = weightCol ?? {Array.fill(vCol.size, 1)};

 inds = List[];
 //For each forbidden value { |i|
 //Check for partitions that include the value { |jtem, j|
 if(jtem.includes(vCol[i])) {
 //Store the index depending on given weight
 if(wCol[i].coin) {
 inds = inds.asSet.asArray.sort;

 //If all partitions are to be removed, select one at random to keep
 if(inds.size==col.size) {
 //Store the index of value least likely to be removed
 saveIndex = wCol.indexOf(wCol.minItem);
 //Select an index from those partitions that include
 // the least likely value
 saveIndex ={|item, i|


 //Return updated collection

	// partsToWords
// Method to turn a partition array into KonaWords
// @aPartitionArray Partition Array
// @aOne Boolean; if KonaWords can be 1 syllable
// @aMult Boolean; if Konawords can have syllables == part size
partsToWords {|aPartitionArray, aKarve, aOne=true, aMult=true|
 var partitionArray;
 var one, mult;
 var ret;
 var chance;
 var jatis, karve;

		 partitionArray = aPartitionArray;
 one = aOne;
 mult = aMult;
 {aOne==true && (aMult==true)} {chance = 0.5}
 {aOne==true && (aMult==false)} {chance = 1}
 {aOne==false && (aMult==true)} {chance = 0}
 {aOne==false && (aMult==false)} {chance = 0.5};

 ret =; { |i|
 if(chance.coin) {
 jatis = 1;
 karve = aPartitionArray[i];
 } {
 jatis = aPartitionArray[i];
 karve = 1;
 ret.add(, gati, karve*aKarve, tani))

	 /* ================= */
 /* = Music Methods = */
 /* ================= */

	 // vSarvaPhraseLength
 // Method to determine the phrase length (in beats)
 // for sarvalaghu patterns for the Vilamba Kala section
 // Uses a tweaked perceptual present model,
 // currently uses a window of 5 seconds.
 vSarvaPhraseLength {
 var phraseLength;
 var oneBeat;
 var maxBeats;
 var val;
 //Time in seconds for one beat
 oneBeat = 60/laya;
 Post << "oneBeat: " << oneBeat << "\n";

 //The number of beats that can fit into the maximum perceptual time
 //With a maximum number of beats of 5. Even if perceptual time is 3 seconds,
 // phrases are not usually longer than this
 maxBeats = (pMax/oneBeat).min(5);
 Post << "maxBeats: " << maxBeats << "\n";

 // This algorithm attempts to find that largest phrase length that
 // fits neatly into a full cycle.
 // At the moment this only works in terms of half/quarter/eigth cycles
 // Could be adapted to find other durations of phrase that
 // can fit neatly into a cycle
 // E.g. a 9 beat tala could be made up of 3 * 3 beat phrases
 // Not a huge amount of material to support this theory.

		 phraseLength = 0;
 val = tala.sum;

 phraseLength = maxBeats-(maxBeats%val);
 val = val/2;

 Post << "phraseLength: " << phraseLength << "\n";


// vSarvaPhraseAuto
// Automation of vSarvaPhrase
vSarvaPhraseAuto {

 "vSarvaPhraseLength*gati: ".post; (this.vSarvaPhraseLength*gati).postln;


// vSarvaPhrase
// Method to generate a phrase for the Vilamba section sarvalaghu
vSarvaPhrase {|phraseDur, aMin=2|
 var phraseMatras;
 var jatiParts;
 var min;
 var max;
 var partsArray, weights, maxW, maxW1, maxW2, maxW1MI;
 var muteChance;
 var ret;

 if(phraseDur%1!=0) {
 ret =;
 ret.add(this.vSarvaPhrase(phraseDur.floor, aMin));
 ret.add(, gati, (phraseDur-phraseDur.floor)));

 phraseMatras = phraseDur;

 if(phraseDur<aMin) {
 min = phraseDur;
 } {
 min = aMin;

 if(2*gati<=phraseDur) {
 max = gati;
 } {
 max = phraseDur;

 //Possible part sizes
 partsArray = (min..max);
 Post << "partsArray: " << partsArray << "\n";

	 //Parts 2 to gati. Given heaviest weightings
 weights = Array.fill(partsArray.size, 0); { |i|

 {weights[i] = 1.5},
 {weights[i] = 0.4}

 if(partsArray[i]<gati) {
 weights[i] = weights[i] + 0.25;
 } {
 if(partsArray[i]!=gati) {
 weights[i] = weights[i] - 0.4

 if(gati==5 || (gati==7)) {
 if((partsArray[i]== 3) || (partsArray[i]== 2)) {
 weights[i] = weights[i] + 0.25;
 } {
 weights[i] = weights[i] - 0.25

 {weights[i] = 0}

		 //Scale and invert values.
 weights = (weights/weights.maxItem-1).round(0.01).abs;

 jatiParts = this.allPartitions(phraseMatras.asInteger, aMax: max);

 jatiParts = this.removeGreaterThan(jatiParts, 4);

 jatiParts = this.removeThoseContaining(jatiParts, partsArray,

 jatiParts = jatiParts.choose;

 jatiParts = this.randomPerm(jatiParts);

 ret =; { |i|
 if((jatiParts[i].even && (jatiParts[i]>2)) && 0.75.coin ) {
 ret.add([i]/2, gati, 2, tani))
 } {
 ret.add(, gati, jatiParts[i], tani))
 "Conversion to KonaWords: ".postln;ret.postWord(true, true, false);

 ret = this.combineSimilar(ret, 2, 4, 0.9);
 "combineSimilar: ".postln; ret.postWord(true, true, false);

 muteChance = 0.75; { |i|
			 if(muteChance.coin) {
 ret = this.randomMuteJati(ret);
 muteChance = muteChance/2;
 "randomMuteJati: ".postln; ret.postWord(true, true, false);


	 // mutatePhrase
 // Method to mutate a given phrase using many possible
 // combinations of automated manipulation methods
 // @aKonaItem Item to manipulate;
 mutatePhrase {|aKonaItem, aChance, aRec=0.75, aNum|
 var col; // Input collection
 var ret; // Output collection
 var change; // The chance an item will be mutated;
 var min; // Minimum value for alteration
 var max; // Maximum value for alteration
 var val; // Variable used to calculate density possibilties
 var count; // Variable used when calculating density possibilities
 var index; // Index of element to mutate
 var store; // Array to store indexes to be removed (atDensity)
 var num; // Index of process to use;
 if(aKonaItem.class==KonaTime) {
 col = aKonaItem;
 } {
 col = KonaTime.newFrom([aKonaItem], tani);

 change = aChance ?? {(1/col.size)*1.5};
 if(aNum==nil) {
 num = {5.rand}
 } {
 num = {aNum}
 ret =; { |i|
 if(col[i].class==KonaWord) {
 switch (num.())
 {0} {
 {1} {
 {2} {
 {3} {
 {4} {

 } {
 ret.add(this.mutatePhrase(col[i], aRec=aRec/4))


 //Possible recursion for more mutation.
 if(aRec.coin) {
 ^this.mutatePhrase(ret, aRec:aRec/2, aNum:aNum)
 } {

 // vSarvaStat
 // A method for generating Sarva Laghu material based on
 // a statistical analysis of a performance by Trichy Sankaran;
 // Currently only works with an n of 1, no context.
 vSarvaStat {
 var stats;
 var ret;

 ret =;

 stats = [
 100, 37.5, 87.5, 68.75,
 93.75, 12.5, 100, 25,

 100, 80, 100, 13,
 100, 13, 100, 6,

 100, 0, 73, 53,
 100, 0, 100, 22,

 89, 66, 100, 22,
 100, 30, 80, 30
 ]; { |i|
 if((stats[i]/100).coin) {
 } {


 ///////////////////////// Moras /////////////////////////

 // createSimpleMora
 // Builds a mora structure from a given statement
 // with optional gap and offset.
 // @statement KonaObject for Statement
 // @gap KonaObject for Gap
 // @offset KonaObject for Offset
 createSimpleMora {|statement, gap, offset|

 var mora =;

 ); {


 // moraStatement
 // Method to generate a mora statement
 // @statePulses Statement jatis
 // @aGati Gati of the statement
 // @aKarve Karve to use
 moraStatement {|aStateMatras, aGati, aKarve|
 var statePulses;
 var statement;
 var ret;
 var temp;

 statePulses = aStateMatras*(1/aKarve);

 //Turn statements into KonaItems
 //If the statement duration can be a single word
 if(statePulses<=9) {
 statement =, aGati, aKarve, tani);
 } {
 //If a statement duration requires more than a single word
 //Generate a partition
 statement = this.randomPartition(statePulses.asInteger);
 //Choose a permutation
 statement = this.randomPerm(statement);

 //Convert to KonaTime
 ret =; {|i|
 //New word jatis equal to part duration
 temp =[i], aGati, aKarve, tani);
 statement = ret;
 //statement = this.partitionWord(statement);

		 if(0.5.coin) {
 statement = this.randomDensityJati(statement);

 // moraGap
 // Method to generate a mora gap.
 // @gapPulses Statement jatis
 // @aGati Gati of the statement
 // @aKarve Karve to use
 moraGap {|aGapMatras, aGati, aKarve|
 var gapPulses;
 var gap;
 var temp;
 gapPulses = aGapMatras*(1/aKarve);

 if(gapPulses==0) {
 } {
 if(gapPulses>4 && 0.95.coin) {
 gap = this.randomPartition(gapPulses.asInteger, notSize:true);
 gap = this.randomPerm(gap);

 temp =; { |i|
 if(i==0) {
 temp.add(, aGati, gap[i]*aKarve, tani))
 } {
 temp.add([i], aGati, aKarve, tani));
 //gap = this.mutatePhrase(temp);
 gap = temp;

 } {
 //Generate single jati gap with gapPulses duration
 if(aKarve>=0.25 && (0.5.coin)) {
 gap =, aGati, gapPulses*aKarve, tani)
 } {
 gap =, aGati, gapPulses*aKarve, tani)


 // moraOffset
 // Method to generate a mora offset
 // @offsetPulses Offset jatis
 // @aGati Gati of the statement
 // @aKarve Karve to use
 moraOffset {|aOffsetMatras, aGati, aKarve|
 var offsetPulses;
 var offset = nil;

		 var phraseMin; //Minimum part size if the offset is to be a phrase.

 offsetPulses = aOffsetMatras*(1/aKarve);

 if(offsetPulses!=0) {
 //If the offset is greater than 2 beats, use a phrase
 {offsetPulses>(aGati*2)} {
 if(offsetPulses>20) {
 phraseMin = 4
 } {
 phraseMin = 2;
 offset = this.vSarvaPhrase(aOffsetMatras, aMin:phraseMin);

 //If the offset is less than 2 beats, has a 0.05 chance articulation.
 {0.05.coin} {
 offset =, aGati, aKarve, tani)
 //Else a single syllable word is used.
 {true} {
 offset =, aGati, aOffsetMatras, tani)
 } {
 offset = nil;


 // randomMoraValues
 // Calculation of mora values (statement, gap, offset durations).
 // @aMatras The duration of the mora in matras
 // @aGati The gati of the mora elements
 // @aGati The karve of the mora elements
 // @aGap Boolean, gaps or not, overridden for certain durations.
 // @aOffset Boolean, offset or not
 randomMoraValues {|aMatras, aGati, aKarve, aGap=true, aOffset=true|
 var pulses;
 var stateMin, gapMin;
 var stateMax, gapMax;
 var gapArray, gapWeights;
 var stateMatras, gapMatras, offsetMatras;
 var totalStateMatras, totalGapMatras;

 pulses = aMatras*(1/aKarve);

 // Nelson 2008 p 23
 // 'It is a practical fact of Karnatak rhythmic behaviour that if a mora
 // statement is shorter than five pulses, its gap will nearly always be
 // at least two pulses'.
 // This is impossible if a duration of less than 7 is used.
 // In this instance a mora with the same duration,
 // but using double the jatis and half the karve is returned
 // Moras under 2 whole beats are also given a chance of being altered.

 if(pulses<7 || (aMatras/aGati<=2 && 0.25.coin && (aKarve>0.5))) {
 ^this.randomMoraValues(aMatras, aGati, aKarve/2, aGap, aOffset);

 //Any duration under 15 will result in statements less than 5 pulses
 // so requires a minimum gap of 2
 if(pulses<15) {
 gapMin = 2;
 } {
 gapMin = 0;

 // Calculate the mininum matras for the statements.
 // If might be no gap, use a minimum size of 1/4 of the total mora duration
 if(gapMin==0) {
 stateMin = (pulses/(3.00, 3.05..4.00).choose).asInteger
 } {
 stateMin = (pulses/5).asInteger

 //Calculate the maximum possible statement size
 stateMax = (pulses-(gapMin*2)/3).asInteger;

 //Select a statement duration
 stateMatras = (stateMin..stateMax).choose;
 totalStateMatras = stateMatras*3;

 if(aGap) {
 //Calculate the maximum possible gap size.
 gapMax = (pulses-totalStateMatras)/2;

 gapArray = (gapMin..gapMax);

 //Calculate weights for gap matras selection, with bias for smaller
 gapWeights = (gapArray.size..1).normalizeSum;

 //Choose a gap duration
 gapMatras = gapArray.wchoose(gapWeights);
 } {
 gapMatras = 0;
 totalGapMatras = gapMatras*2;

 //If there should be an offset, calculate the duration
 if(aOffset) {
 offsetMatras = pulses - totalStateMatras - totalGapMatras;
 } {
 offsetMatras = 0;

 ^[stateMatras, gapMatras, offsetMatras, aKarve];

 // randomMora
 // Generation of a mora from given parameters;
 // @aMatras The duration of the mora in matras
 // @aGati The gati of the mora elements
 // @aGap Boolean, whether there should be gaps or not
 // @aOffset Boolean, whether there should be an offset or not
 randomMora {|aMatras, aGati, aKarve, aGap=true, aOffset=true|
 var values;
 var statement, gap, offset;

 values = this.randomMoraValues(aMatras, aGati, aKarve, aGap, aOffset);

 //Convert statements/gaps/offset into KonaItems
 statement = this.moraStatement(values[0]*values[3], aGati, values[3]);

 gap = this.moraGap(values[1]*values[3], aGati, values[3]);
 if(gap!=nil) {

 offset = this.moraOffset(values[2]*values[3], aGati, values[3]);
 if(offset!=nil) {

 ^this.createSimpleMora(statement, gap, offset);

 // Generative method to create a mora from a given statement,
 // with optional maximum mora size, gap and offset.
 // Differs from createSimpleMora in that gaps and offsets will
 // be calculated and generated if possible
 // @aStatement Kona object to use for statement
 // @aMoraMatras Total maximum number of matras, overidden if less
 // than sum of aStatement, aGap, aOffset matras
 // @aGap Kona object to use for gap
 // @aOffset Kona object to use for offset
 moraFrom {|aStatement, aMoraMatras, aGap, aOffset|
 var statement, gap, offset;
 var objArray;
 var objMatras, moraMatras, gapMatras, offsetMatras;

 statement = aStatement;
 gap = aGap;
 offset = aOffset;

 objMatras = 0;
 objArray = [statement,gap,offset];
 //Calculate total matras of mora sections passed as arguments { |item, i|
 var val;
 if(item!=nil && (item!=false)) {
 switch (item)
 {statement} {val = 3}
 {gap} {val = 2}
 {offset} {val = 1};

 objMatras = objMatras + (item.matras*val);


 //If no maximum duration has been given
 if(aMoraMatras==nil || (aMoraMatras ? 0 <objMatras) ) {

 //Calculate the new maximum duration
 moraMatras = objMatras;
 if(gap==nil || (gap==false)) {
 } {
 if(offset==nil) {
 } {
 offsetMatras = offset.matras;
 } {
 //If a maximum duration has been given
 moraMatras = aMoraMatras;

 //Calculate the lengths of the various sections.
 //Various cases of passed in gaps and offset.
 {gap==nil && (offset==nil)} {
 gapMatras = (0..(moraMatras-objMatras)/2).choose;
 objMatras = objMatras + (gapMatras*2);
 offsetMatras = moraMatras - objMatras;
 objMatras = objMatras + offsetMatras;
 {gap==nil && (offset!=nil)} {
 offsetMatras = offset.matras;
 gapMatras = (0..(moraMatras-objMatras)/2);
 objMatras = objMatras + gapMatras*2;
 {gap!=nil && (gap!=false) && (offset==nil)} {
 if(gap!=false) {
 gapMatras = gap.matras;
 offsetMatras = moraMatras - objMatras;
 objMatras = objMatras + offsetMatras;
 {gap!=nil && (gap!=false) && (offset!=nil)} {
 gapMatras = gap.matras;
 offsetMatras = offset.matras;

 //If no gap has been set, create one.
 gap = gap ?? {this.moraGap(gapMatras, statement.gati, statement.karve)};
 //If there should be no gap, set it to nil
 if(gap==false) {
 gap = nil;

 //If no offset has been calculate the duration and create one
 if(offsetMatras==nil) {
 if(offset==nil) {
 offsetMatras = moraMatras - objMatras;
				 } {
 offsetMatras = offset.matras;

 offset = offset ?? {this.moraOffset(offsetMatras, statement.gati,statement.karve)};

 //Construct and return the mora
 ^this.createSimpleMora(statement, gap, offset);

 // randomSamaCompoundMora
 // Generate a random compound mora with the 'sama' shape
 // @aMatras Duration in matras
 // @aGati The gati to use
 // @aKarve The karve to use
 randomSamaCompoundMora {|aMatras, aGati, aKarve|
 var values;
 var stateDur, gapDur, offsetDur;
 var statement, gap, offset;

 values = this.randomMoraValues(aMatras, aGati, aKarve, true, true);

 stateDur = values[0];

 gapDur = values[1];

 statement = this.randomMora(stateDur*values[3], aGati, values[3], true,false);

 if(gapDur==0) {
 gap = false;
 } {
 gap = this.moraGap(gapDur*values[3], aGati, values[3]);

 ^this.moraFrom(statement, aMatras, gap);

 // basicStructure
 // A method to generate a basic structure based on the tala.
 // The purpose is to get a feel for the system's components in a context
 // Always follows the same structure:
 // First Cycle: Basic phrase and a development with suffix
 // Second Cycle: More developments of the basic phrase
 // Third Cycle: Basic phrases with a half cycle mora
 // Fourth Cycle: Developed phrases
 // Fifth/Sixth Cycle: Compound Mora
 // Remaining Cycles: Play previous six cycles in a new gati,
 // with a final mora to fill any unfinished cycles.

 basicStructure {
 var basicPhrase, developedPhrase;
 var phraseMatras, cycleMatras, moraMatras;
 var phraseMult;
 var newGati, newKarve, gatiChange, gatiChangeMatras, changeRemainder;
 var preFinalFiller, finalMora;
 var ret;

 ret =;
 cycleMatras = tani.tala.sum*tani.gati;
 newGati = [3,5,7,9].wchoose([1,0.5,0.25,0.125].normalizeSum);
 switch (newGati)
 {3} {newKarve = [0.5, 1].choose}
 {5} {newKarve = 2}
 {7} {newKarve = 4}
 {9} {newKarve = 4};

 basicPhrase = this.vSarvaPhraseAuto;
 phraseMatras = basicPhrase.matras;
 phraseMult = cycleMatras/phraseMatras;
 developedPhrase = this.mutatePhrase(basicPhrase);

 //Fill first cycle
 (phraseMult-2).do { |i|
 ret[ret.size-1] = this.addSuffix(ret[ret.size-1])[0];

 Post << "1st ret.dur: " << ret.dur << "\n";

 //Fill second cycle
 (phraseMult-1).do { |i|
 Post << "2nd ret.dur: " << ret.dur << "\n";

 //Fill third cycle
 moraMatras = (cycleMatras/2).ceil;
 if(cycleMatras-moraMatras!=0) {
 ret.add(this.randomMora(moraMatras, tani.gati, 1));
 Post << "3rd ret.dur: " << ret.dur << "\n";

 //Fill fourth cycle
 (phraseMult-1).do { |i|
 Post << "4th ret.dur: " << ret.dur << "\n";

 //Fill fifth and sixth cycles
 ret.add(this.randomSamaCompoundMora(cycleMatras*2, tani.gati, 1));

 Post << "5th 6th ret.dur: " << ret.dur << "\n";
 //Gati Change
 gatiChange = this.phraseAtGati(ret, newGati, newKarve);
 gatiChangeMatras = (gatiChange.matras/newGati)*tani.gati;
 Post << "newGati: " << newGati << "\n";

 Post << "gatiChangeMatras: " << gatiChangeMatras << "\n";

 if(gatiChangeMatras%1!=0) {
 preFinalFiller = (1-(gatiChangeMatras%1))*newGati;
 ret.add(, newGati, preFinalFiller, tani))
 changeRemainder = gatiChangeMatras%cycleMatras;
 Post << " gati change ret.dur: " << ret.dur << "\n";

 Post << "changeRemainder: " << changeRemainder << "\n";

 //Fill remainder
 if(changeRemainder!=0) {
 if(changeRemainder>(cycleMatras/2)) {
 finalMora = changeRemainder-(cycleMatras/2);
 } {
 finalMora = changeRemainder;
 finalMora = this.randomMora(finalMora, tani.gati, [1, 0.5].choose);

 ret.add(, tani.gati, tani.gati, tani));
 Post << "ret.dur: " << ret.dur << "\n";


Interruption …

This class is quite big …

/*================================================================================ */
 /* = Manipulation Methods                   			            			  = */
 /*================================================================================ */

 // wordAtGati
 // @argWord Word to manipulate
 // @argGati New Gati
 // @argKarve Number of gati divisions each jati should occupy
 //Method to return a word at a new Gati, including double tempo etc
 //The gati and karve arguments are taken absolutely
 //For 4-->G3E1 A word with Gati 4, Karve 2, [0.125, 0.125], would be [0.33,0.33]

 wordAtGati { |argWord, argGati, argKarve|
 ^, argGati, argKarve, tani)

 // phraseAtGati
 // @argObj KonaTime (or word) to manipulate
 // @argGati New Gati
 // @argGatiExpansion Karve multiple.
 // Method to return a phrase at a new Gati, including double tempo etc
 // The expansion value is relative to the input objects expansion,
 // so that phrases maintain their relative values

 phraseAtGati {|argObj, argGati, argGatiExp|
 var temp =;

 if(argObj.class==KonaWord) {
 ^, argGati, argObj.karve*argGatiExp, tani)
 } {{ |item, i|
 temp.add(this.phraseAtGati(item, argGati, argGatiExp));

 // combine
 // @aCollection A collection of KonaItems with a combined desired jati number
 // Method to create a new KonaWord/KonaTime from the number of
 // syllables of the given items
 // Only used for KonaWords of the same karve

 combine {|aCollection|
 var dur; //Desired jatis for output
 var karve; //Karve of the input (determines output Karve)
 var ret; //KonaItems to return
 var allRest; //Boolean; whether the collection is silent syllables
 var oneSyl; //Boolean; if the collection is one syllable.

 dur = 0;
 ret =;
 oneSyl = false;
 allRest = aCollection.every { |item, i| item.word == ['-']};

 if(aCollection.size>0) {
 karve = aCollection[0].karve;
 } {
 karve = nil;
 }; { |i|
 dur = dur + aCollection[i].jatis;
 if(i==0) {
 if(aCollection[i].word==['Ta']) {
 oneSyl = true;
 } {
 if(aCollection[i].word!=['-']) {
 oneSyl = false;


 if(oneSyl) {
 ret =, gati, aCollection.matras, tani);
 } {
					 if(dur<=9) {
 if(allRest) {
 ret.add(, gati, dur, tani));
 } {
 ret.add(, gati, karve, tani));

 dur = dur - dur;
 } {
 if(allRest) {
 ret.add(, gati, dur, tani));
 } {
 ret.add(, gati, karve, tani));
 dur = dur - 9;

 if(ret.size==1) {
 } {

 // combineSimilar
 // @aCol A KonaTime containing KonaWords.
 // @alMax Maximum number of items to combine
 // @avMax The maximum size for a combination
 // @prob Probability of combination
 // Method to combine identical adjacent KonaWords within a KonaTime
 combineSimilar {|aCol, alMax, avMax=9, aProb=1|

 var col; // Collecion to modify
 var lMax; // Maximum string length to combine
 var vMax; // Maximum value of a combination
 var start, middle, newMiddle, end; // Temporary storage
 var n; // Item lookahead number
 var i; // Iterator variabale
 var y; // Next Iterator variable value
 var func; // Function to do most of the work
 var prob; // Probability the function will occur

 col = aCol;
 prob = aProb;

 i = 0;

 // use argument length if provided
 lMax = alMax ?? {col.size};
 // set combo max
 vMax = avMax;

 func = {

 //Reduce n to the index of the last matching value
 n = n-1;
 //If this is not the first item/string to be evaluated
 if(i>0) {
 //Store the sub-array that proceeds the string/items
 start = KonaTime.newFrom(col[0..i-1], tani);

 //Store the next index to evaluate.
 y = start.size+1;
 } {
 //Else, this this is the first item/string to be evaluated
 //There are no values before the first item
 start =;
 //Store next index to use: 1
 y = 1;

 //The string of matching values
 middle = KonaTime.newFrom(col[i..i+n], tani);

 if(middle.size>4) {

 if(prob.coin) {
 newMiddle = this.combine(middle);
 } {
 newMiddle = middle;

 //If all elements have been evaluated or combined
 if(middle.includes(col[col.size-1]).not) {
 //Use all elements after the middle
 end = KonaTime.newFrom(col[i+n+1..col.size-1], tani);
 } {
 //Else. There are no values after the last element
 end =;


 //Combine three sections, summing the middle items
 col = start ++ newMiddle ++ end;
 //Reset n
 n = 1;
 //Set the next index to start as;
 i = y;

 //Evaluate the whole collection {
 if(col[i].class==KonaTime) {
 col[i] = this.combineSimilar(col[i], prob:0.85);
 } {

 //If there are trailing elements
 if(col[i+n]!=nil) {
 //If a value is followed by an identical value,
 // and current string length is within bounds;
 if( ( (col[i].val == col[i+n].val) || (col[i].word==['Ta'] && col[i+n].word==['-']) )  && (n<lMax) && (col[i..i+n].jatis <= vMax)) {
 if(col[i-1]!=nil) {
 if(col[i].word==['Ta'] && (col[i-1].word==['-']) ) {
 } {
 //Extend string length
 n = n+1;
 } {
 } {

 //Else combine all identical adjacent items.
 } {
 //If there are no more trailing items, combine those stored.


 // atDensity
 // @item Item to alter density of
 // @density Density multiplier
 // Method to return the word at a new density (same duration, more notes).
 // E.g. Ta - Ka - Di - Mi - @ density 2 becomes TaKaDiMiTaKaJuNa

 atDensity { |aKonaItem, density|
 var item;
 var newJatis;
 var newKarve;
 var newWords;
 var newPhraseFunc;
 var ret;

 item = this.fillOut(aKonaItem, true);
 Post << "density: " << density << "\n";

 newPhraseFunc = {
 this.phraseAtGati(item, item.gati, 1/density)

 if(item.class==KonaWord) {

 newJatis = (item.jatis*density).max(1);
 newKarve = (item.karve*(1/density)).min(item.matras);
 //If the result can be a single word
 if(newJatis<=9) {
 //If the adjustment results in a non Integer
 if(newJatis%1!=0) {
 //A 1 syllable word with a matching duration is returned
 ^, item.gati, item.jatis, tani)
 } {
 //Otherwise a new word with adjusted density is returned
 ^, item.gati, newKarve, tani)
 } {
 //If the results require multiple words, create them
 newWords = newJatis/item.jatis;
 ^KonaTime.fill(newWords, {newPhraseFunc.()}, tani)
 } {

 //If the item is a collection of words, call this method on each of
 ret =; { |i|
 ret.add(this.atDensity(item[i], density))


 // randomAtDensity
 // automation of the atDensity method
 // @aKonaItem Item to be manipulaed
 randomAtDensity {|aKonaItem|
 var store; //Storage for invalid density multipliers
 var min, max; //Min and Max multiplier values
 var val; //Array of multipliers from min to max
 var wVal; //Array of weights for multipliers;
 var count; //Counter for the value of greatest reduction.
 var xGatiFunc; //Function to calculate the xGati, for gati=4 exception.
 var xGati; //Gati of object

 store = List[];
 val = List[];
 count = 1;
 xGatiFunc = {
 xGati = aKonaItem.gati;
 if(xGati==4) {xGati=2}; //Exception for caturasra gati
 //Find largest numbers of jatis in the object
 if(aKonaItem.class==KonaWord) {
 min = aKonaItem.jatis;
 } {
 min = aKonaItem.greatestJatis;

 //Calculate the smallest possible multiplier
 while({count*min>1}, {
 count = 1;
 count = count/xGati;
 xGati = xGati*2;
 //Reset the xGati;
 min = count;

 //Calculate the greatest possible multiplier
		 max = aKonaItem.speed/(0.5/aKonaItem.gati);

 //Calculate all values between max and min.
 while({(max/xGati)>min}, {
 xGati = xGati*2;
 val = val.asArray.reverse;
 //Convert whole numbers into Integers { |i|
 if(val[i]==val[i].asInteger) {
 val[i] = val[i].asInteger
 //Remove multiplier of 1 if others are possible
 if(val.size>1) {val.remove(1)};
 //Create weights from multiplier values.
 // Positive multipliers are given the heaviest weight,
 // with greatest weight given to those
 // >=2. Multipliers below 0.5 are given the lowest weightings.
 wVal = Array.newClear(val.size); { |i|
 if(val[i]<1) {
 } {
 if(val[i]<0.5 || (val[i]>2)) {
 wVal[i] = wVal[i] - 0.25;

 val = val.wchoose(wVal.normalizeSum);
 //Return the altered item
 ^this.atDensity(aKonaItem, val.asInteger);

 // extendJati
 // Method to extend the jati of a given Kona Word.
 // e.g. TaKaDiMi with index [1] extended by 1 becomes TaTa-Ta
 // @aKonaWord Word to manipulate
 // @aIndex Index of jati to ext
 // @aExt Number of jatis to extend the given jati by

 extendJati {|aKonaWord, aIndex, aExt|
 var ret; // Variable to return output;
 var start; // Jatis before the extended jati
 var middle; // Extended Jati
 var end; // Jatis after extended jati

 //If there is 1 jati, extension is impossible so return the input.
 if(aKonaWord.jatis==1) {

 //If overextending...
 if( (aIndex+aExt+1)>aKonaWord.jatis,
 {^"Trying to extend tooo much..."}

 //If the first jatis is being extended, there are no prior jatis to store
 if(aIndex==0) {
 start = nil;
 } {
 //Else use all jatis before the extended jati
 start =, aKonaWord.gati, aKonaWord.karve, aKonaWord.tani);

 //Jati to extend
 middle =, aKonaWord.gati, 1+aExt*aKonaWord.karve, aKonaWord.tani);

 //If the extension will take up all of the word duration
 if((aIndex+aExt)==(aKonaWord.jatis-1)) {
 //Have no following jatis
 end = nil;
 } {
 //Else use the jatis following the extension
 end =, aKonaWord.gati, aKonaWord.karve, aKonaWord.tani);

 //Create a KonaTime, add the new KonaWords and return it
 ret =;
 [start,middle,end].do { |item, i|
 if(item!=nil, {ret.add(item)});


 // randomExtendJati
 // Automation of the extendJati Method
 // @aKonaItem Object to manipulate

 var itemSize;
 var index;
 var max;
 var count;
 var ret;
 var chance;
 var success;

 if(aKonaItem.class==KonaTime) {
 ret = KonaTime.newClear(aKonaItem.size, tani);
 success = Array.newClear(aKonaItem.size);
 chance = 1/aKonaItem.size; {|i|
 if(chance.coin) {
 ret[i] = this.randomExtendJati(aKonaItem[i]);
 chance = chance/2;
 } {
 ret[i] = aKonaItem[i];
 if(success.every { |item, i| item.not }) {
 success = aKonaItem.size.rand;
 ret[success] = this.randomExtendJati(ret[success])
 } {
 index = (aKonaItem.jatis-1).rand;
 max = (aKonaItem.jatis-1 - index);
 count = (1..max).choose;

 ^this.extendJati(aKonaItem, index, count);

 // muteJati
 // Method to mute a jati of a given Kona Word.
 // e.g. TaKaDiMi with index [1] muted becomes Ta-Taka
 // @aKonaWord Word to manipulate
 // @aIndex Index of jati to mute
 muteJati {|aKonaWord, aIndex|
 var start;
 var middle;
 var end;
 var ret;

 {^"overstretched yourself a bit..."}
 //If the first jatis is being extended, there are no prior jatis to store
 if(aIndex==0) {
 start = nil;
 } {
 //Else use all jatis before the extended jati
 start =, aKonaWord.gati,aKonaWord.karve, aKonaWord.tani);

 //Muted Jati
 middle =, aKonaWord.gati, aKonaWord.karve, aKonaWord.tani);

 //Following Jatis
 if(aIndex==(aKonaWord.jatis-1)) {
 end = nil;
 } {
 end =,aKonaWord.gati, aKonaWord.karve, aKonaWord.tani)

 //Combine Jatis into a new KonaTime
 ret =;
 [start,middle,end].do { |item, i|
 if(item!=nil, {ret.add(item)});

	 // randomMuteJati
 // Automation of the muteJati Method
 // @aKonaItem Object to manipulate
 randomMuteJati {|aKonaItem|
 var index;
 var ret;
 var iter;
 var chance;
 var success;

 if(aKonaItem.class==KonaTime) {
 ret =;
 success = Array.newClear(aKonaItem.size);
 chance = 1/aKonaItem.size;
 iter = aKonaItem.size-1; { |i|
 if(chance.coin) {
 chance = chance/5;
 success[i] = true;
 } {
 success[i] = false;
 iter = iter - 1;
 if(success.every { |item, i| item.not }) {
 success = aKonaItem.size.rand;
 ret[success] = this.randomMuteJati(ret[success]);
 ret = ret.reverse;
 } {
 index = aKonaItem.jatis.rand;
 ^this.muteJati(aKonaItem, index);

 // densityJati
 // Method to alter the density of a jati in a given Kona Word.
 // e.g. Ta Ka Di Mi with index [1], density 2 becomes Ta TaKa Ta Ka
 // @aKonaWord Word to manipulate
 // @aIndex Index of jati to mute
 // @aDensity Density to alter by
 densityJati {|aKonaWord, aIndex, aDensity|
 var start;
 var middle;
 var end;
 var ret;

 {^"overstretched yourself a bit..."}

 //If the first jatis is being altered, there are no prior jatis to store
 if(aIndex==0) {
 start = nil;
 } {
			 //Else use all jatis before the extended jati
 start =, aKonaWord.gati,aKonaWord.karve, aKonaWord.tani);

 //Density altered jati;
 middle = this.atDensity(, aKonaWord.gati, aKonaWord.karve, aKonaWord.tani), aDensity.max(1));

 //Following Jatis
 if(aIndex==(aKonaWord.jatis-1)) {
 end = nil;
 } {
 end =, aKonaWord.gati, aKonaWord.karve, aKonaWord.tani)

 //Combine Jatis into a new KonaTime
 ret =;
 [start,middle,end].do { |item, i|
 if(item!=nil, {ret.add(item)});


 // randomDensityJati
 // Automation of the densityJati Method
 // @aKonaItem Item to manipulate
 // @aRec Chance of recursion
 randomDensityJati {|aKonaItem, aRec=0.5|
 var store;
 var index;
 var val;
 var wVal;
 var max;
 var ret;
 var chance;
 var success;

 if(aKonaItem.class==KonaTime) {
 ret =;
 success = Array.newClear(aKonaItem.size);
 chance = 1.5/aKonaItem.size; { |i|
 if(chance.coin) {
 ret.add(this.randomDensityJati(aKonaItem[i], 0));
 chance = chance/2;
 success[i] = true;
 } {
 success[i] = false;

 if(success.every { |item, i| item.not }) {
 success = aKonaItem.size.rand;
 ret[success] = this.randomDensityJati(ret[success], 0);

 } {
 store = List[];

 index = aKonaItem.jatis.rand;

 max = aKonaItem.speed/(0.5/aKonaItem.gati);
 val = (2..max);

 //Remove unacceptable densities (for this gati) { |item, i|
 if((aKonaItem.speed*(1/val[i])% (0.5/aKonaItem.gati)).round(0.001)!=0,
 //If the item is not alterable
 if(val.size==0) {
 //Select an expansion
 wVal = Array.newClear(val.size); { |i|
 { wVal[i] = 0.5 }
 { wVal[i] = 1};

 wVal = wVal.normalizeSum;
 val = val.wchoose(wVal);
 Post << "val: " << val << "\n";

 ret = this.densityJati(aKonaItem, index, val);

 if(aRec.coin) {
 ^this.randomDensityJati(ret, (aRec/2));
 } {


 // permutePhrase
 // Method to return a permutation of a KonaTime phrase
 // @aKonaTime KonaTime to be permuted
 // @permutation Optional permutation specificiation
 // @seed Optional seed for random selection;
 permutePhrase { |aKonaTime, permutation, seed|
 var phrase;
 var partition;
 var permuteNum;

 if(seed!=nil) {

 if(aKonaTime.class==KonaTime) {
 phrase = aKonaTime;
 } {
 phrase = KonaTime.newFrom([aKonaTime], tani)

 //Permutations 0 and size.factorial return the input, so they are ignored.
 permuteNum = permutation ?? {if(phrase.size==1) {1}{(1..phrase.size.factorial-1).choose}};


 // partitionWord
 // Method to partition and permute a KonaWord
 // E.g. KonaWord(5,4,1) could be returned
 // as KonaTime[KonaWord(2,4,1),KonaWord(3,4,1)];
 // @aKonaWord Word to partition
 // @seed Optional seed value for randomness
 partitionWord {|aKonaWord, min=2, aMax, seed|
 var partition;
 var int;
 var ret;
 var max;

 if(seed!=nil) {

 int = aKonaWord.jatis;

 max = aMax ?? {if(int>9) {9} {int}};

 partition = this.randomPartition(int, min, max, true, seed);

 partition = this.randomPerm(partition, seed:seed);

 ret = this.partsToWords(partition, aKonaWord.karve, false);


 // randomPartitionMutate
 // Method to (possibly) partition a word and (definitely) mutate it
 // @aKonaWord Word to part/mutate
 // @aChance Chance that partitioning will occur
 // @seed Random Thread seed
 randomPartitionMutate {|aKonaWord, aChance=0.5, seed|
 var ret;
 var chance;

 chance = aChance;
 if(seed!=nil) {

 //Decision: Partition word or not
 if(chance.coin) {
 ret = this.partitionWord(aKonaWord, seed:seed);

 } {
 ret = KonaTime.newFrom([aKonaWord], tani);

 //Mutate the phrase for added interest
 ret = this.mutatePhrase(ret);

 // addSuffix
 // Method to add a densly articulated suffix to the end of a phrase
 // @aPhrase Phrase to alter
 addSuffix {|aPhrase|
 var phrase; //Phrase to be altered and returned
 var iter; //Iterator
 var suffixMatras; //Number of matras in the suffix
 var suffixTemp; //Temporary storage for items to be included in the Suffix
 var densMax; //The maximum possible density;
 var densities; //Density multipliers for suffix parts
 var temp; //Temporary storage for mutations.

 phrase = aPhrase.deepCopy;
 densMax = {|item| item.speed/(0.5/item.gati); };

 if(phrase.class!=KonaTime) {
 phrase = this.partitionWord(phrase, aMax:(phrase.matras/4));
 } {
 if(phrase.size==1) {
 phrase = this.partitionWord(phrase, aMax:(phrase.matras/4));

 iter = phrase.size-1;
 suffixMatras = 0;

 //Add up item matras from the end until a sufficient number is found
 while({suffixMatras < (phrase.matras/4)}, {
 suffixMatras = suffixMatras + phrase[iter].matras;
 iter = iter - 1;

 //Store those KonaItems to be used for the suffix.
		suffixTemp ={|item, i| (iter+1..phrase.size-1).includes(phrase.indexOf(item)) });
 densities = Array.newClear(suffixTemp.size);

 //Store suitable densities
 if(suffixTemp.size==1) {
 densities[0] = 4
 } { { |item, i|

 {i==0} {densities[i] = 2}
 {i==(suffixTemp.size-1)} {densities[i] = [2,4].choose}
 {true} {densities[i] = [2,4].choose}

 //Alter densitiy of items { |i|
 //Protect against going too fast.
 if(suffixTemp[i].karve/densities[i] < densMax.(suffixTemp[i])) {
 densities[i] = densMax.(suffixTemp[i]);

 temp = this.atDensity(suffixTemp[i], densities[i]);
 temp = this.randomMuteJati(temp);

 if(i==(suffixTemp.size-1)) {
 temp = this.randomDensityJati(temp);
 phrase[iter+1+i] = temp;


 ^[phrase, iter+1];

 // fillOut
 // Method to 'fill in' konaWords/Times
 // e.g. a KonaWord 1,4,3 (0.75) gets turned into 3,4,1.
 // @aKonaItem Item to be altered
 // @aOnlyUneven Boolean, if only uneven parts should be filled in.
 fillOut {|aKonaItem, aOnlyUneven=false|
 var ret;
 var mult;
 var jatis;
 var action;
 var i;
 var temp;

 if(aKonaItem.class==KonaWord) {
 mult = aKonaItem.speed/(1/aKonaItem.gati);

 block {|break|
 while({mult.round(0.0001 )%1!=0}, {
 mult = (mult*2);
 if (i==100) { break.value(999)};

 if(mult.asInteger.odd && (mult!=1)) {
 action = true;
 } {
 if(aOnlyUneven) {
 action = false;
 } {
 action = true;

 if(action) {
 jatis = mult*aKonaItem.jatis;

 if(mult>9) {
 ret = this.partsToWords(this.randomPartition(jatis, notSize:true), aKonaItem.karve/mult, false);
 } {
 ret =, aKonaItem.gati, aKonaItem.karve/mult, tani)

 } {
 ret = aKonaItem.deepCopy;
 } {
 ret =; { |i|
 temp = this.fillOut(aKonaItem[i], aOnlyUneven);

 // makePostMora
 // Method to convert a phrase so that it's suitable after a mora,
 // i.e. that it starts with a strong long beat
 // @aKonaItem Phrase to be altered
 makePostMora {|aKonaItem|
 var phrase; //Phrase being altered
 var sectionMatras; //Matras in the section being overridden
 var i; //Iterator
 var index; //Index used when calculating makeup Matras
 var hitMatras; //Duration of the initial beat in matras
 var makeupMatras; //Duration of the material being made up for
 var hit; //KonaWord for the initial beat
 var makeup; //KonaWord for the makeup
 var ret; //KonaTime to return the phrase

 //If phrase is a KonaWord, convert it to a KonaTime
 if(aKonaItem.class==KonaTime) {
 phrase = aKonaItem.deepCopy;
 } {
 phrase = KonaTime.newFrom([aKonaItem], tani);

 sectionMatras = 0;
 i = 0;
 //Create initial hit
 hitMatras = aKonaItem.gati;
 hit =, phrase.gati, hitMatras, tani);

 //Count how many parts of the phrase will be overridden
 while({sectionMatras<hitMatras}, {
 sectionMatras = sectionMatras + phrase[i].matras;
 i = i + 1;
 //Calculate the duration of the overridden section that needs to be recreated
 makeupMatras = sectionMatras - hitMatras;
 //Generate makeup material.
 if(makeupMatras!=0) {

 if(phrase.size==1) {
 index = 0
 } {
 index = i-1;
 makeup = this.vSarvaPhrase(makeupMatras)
 //Add and return all items
 ret = KonaTime.newFrom([hit], tani);
 if(makeup!=nil) {ret.add(makeup)};
 if(phrase.size>1) {


 + ArrayedCollection{

 removeAtIndexes{arg indexes;{arg index;

-------------------------------------------------- My TEST

// Only for printing porpouses
	argSyls: 6, // the syllables
	argGati: 3, // tuplets only 3,4,5,7,9
	argKarve: 1 // the entire subdivided time duration

/* KonaWord Output

[ Da       , Di       , Gi       , Na       , Dom       ]
[ 0.333    , 0.333    , 0.333    , 0.333    , 0.333     ]
[ [ 1, 12 ], [ 1, 12 ], [ 1, 12 ], [ 1, 12 ], [ 1, 12 ] ]
-> [ [ Da       , Di       , Gi       , Na       , Dom       ],
[ 0.333    , 0.333    , 0.333    , 0.333    , 0.333     ],
[ [ 1, 12 ], [ 1, 12 ], [ 1, 12 ], [ 1, 12 ], [ 1, 12 ] ] ]


// It' works via MIDI or if you make tha analysis file using the JoshUgens quark

// free the buffers
[y, z].do({arg me;});

var sf;

p =  "// path to a sound file here";

// the frame size for the analysis - experiment with other sizes (powers of 2)
f = 1024;
// the hop size
h = 0.25;
// get some info about the file
sf = p );
// allocate memory to store FFT data to... SimpleNumber.calcPVRecSize(frameSize, hop) will return
// the appropriate number of samples needed for the buffer
y = Buffer.alloc(s, sf.duration.calcPVRecSize(f, h));
// allocate the soundfile you want to analyze
z =, p);

// this does the analysis and saves it to buffer 1... frees itself when done
SynthDef("pvrec", { arg bufnum=0, recBuf=1, soundBufnum=2;
    var in, chain;, 1,, doneAction: 2);
    in =, soundBufnum,, loop: 0);
    bufnum =, 1); // uses frame size from above
    // note the window type and overlaps... this is important for resynth parameters
    chain = FFT(bufnum, in, 0.25, 1);
    chain = PV_RecordBuf(chain, recBuf, 0, 1, 0, 0.25, 1);
    // no ouput ... simply save the analysis to recBuf
a = Synth("pvrec", [\recBuf, y, \soundBufnum, z]);

// you can save your 'analysis' file to disk! I suggest using float32 for the format
// These can be read back in using

y.write(p++".scpv", "wav", "float32");

//  .play
	argSyls: 6, // [ Ta, Ki, Tah, Ta, Ki , Tah]
	argGati: 3, // triplets
	argKarve: 0.5, // half
	argTani: KonaTani(argLaya: 60,argTala: ["I4","O","O"], argGati: 4, argOtherGatis: [3],argSynth: \konaHit),
	argSynth: \beep // This synth doesn't exist and you are using the \konaHit

If anyone is interested in analyzing this work together, I remain available, I am currently clarifying the Indian terms used and I am resurrecting the whole.
Let me know if you want to have some geek fun!

ps: I could upload on github the project with audio files and a bit of documentation if you like


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