Anyone have experience HID with a PS3 controller?

Feels like it would be a handy way to use supercollider but not getting the two connect
running this I can find it

11: 	Usage name and page: 	Joystick, 	GenericDesktop
	Vendor name: 	Sony
	Product name: 	PLAYSTATION(R)3 Controller
	Vendor and product ID: 	1356, 616
	Path: 	USB_054c_0268_1100000
	Serial Number: 	
	Releasenumber and interfaceNumber: 	256, -1

but trying this, productID, path), 616, USB_054c_0268_1100000)

I hit a wall

-> HID
HID: path was not set specified yet, chosen the one with path: USB_054c_0268_1100000
HIDAPI : Unable to open device USB_054c_0268_1100000: 1356, 616
ERROR: HID: Could not open device
-> nil

and when I enter this, 616, USB_054c_0268_1100000)

I get this message

ERROR: Class not defined.
  in interpreted text
  line 1 char 41:, 616, USB_054c_0268_1100000) 
-> nil

any experience with getting supercollider to work with the PS3 controller ?

Identifiers like USB_054c_0268_1100000 have to be written either as strings "USB_054c_0268_1100000" or symbols 'USB_054c_0268_1100000' – they cannot just be free standing text. The HID help file seems to say the "string" version is appropriate here.



HIDAPI : Unable to open device USB_054c_0268_1100000: 1356, 616
ERROR: HID: Could not open device

this got me this which is closer and maybe its an issue that mac is having… looking online and is seems that the ps4 controller is supported and not the ps3 …