Hi guys,
I’m trying to create an arpeggiator to be used in live coding performances.
The idea is to have a MIDI keyb connected to SC and code to automatically fill an array of midi-notes (keeping also track of the order the keys are pressed).
Then to pass the array to an always-playing Pbindef.
I took inspiration from the work of @shiihs and I came up with this (buggy code) this code I would like to submit to you:
// start the server
// initialize MIDI
// define a simple synth to play with
SynthDef(\sinfb, {
var env = EnvGen.ar(Env.perc(atk,rel),doneAction:2);
var sig = SinOscFB.ar(freq, fb) * env * amp;
Out.ar(0, Pan2.ar(sig, pan));
// define an empty list to be filled with midinote from MIDI Keyb
~noteList = []
// define the MIDI handlers
MIDIdef.noteOn(\myNoteOn, {
arg vel, note, ch, src;
//[note, vel, "ON"].postln;
~noteList = ~noteList.add(note);
MIDIdef.noteOff(\myNoteOff, {
arg vel, note, ch, src;
//[note, vel, "OFF"].postln;
~noteList.collect({ |x| if(x==note) { ~noteList.remove(x); } { x } });
Then, when I use this Pbindef to play the midinote list, even if it works for single notes, it seems to work worse sometimes when I release a chord. Actually the pbindef stops working:
\instrument, \sinfb,
\midinote, Pn(
{ Pseq([Rest(1)]) },
{ Pseq(~noteList)}
\dur, 1,
\atk, 0.0,
\rel, 0.25
What am I doing wrong?
Thank you for your support