Array 3D. How to give values to each cell?

Hi Everyone! I Need Your Help.
I´m a I’m a beginner.
How to loop through a 3d array? How to give values to each cell?

y = Array.fillND([3, 3, 3]);
y[0, 0 ,0] = 64; // [ 0, [ [ nil, nil, nil ], [ nil, nil, nil ], [ nil, nil, nil ] ], [ [ nil, nil, nil ], [ nil, nil, nil ], [ nil, nil, nil ] ] ] It´s akn error. I want my firts value was 64.

y = Array.fillND([3, 3, 3]).debug("start y");
y[0][0][0] = 64; 
y.debug("new y");

// or visit every element (maybe there are even shorter notations...not sure)
y = Array.fillND([3, 3, 3]).debug("start y"); {
	|p| {
		|q| {
			y[p][q][r] = (2**p) + (3**q) + (5**r);
y.debug("new y");

Those fills also take a function as arg, evaluated at every array position with indices passed as arguments to the said function. So, e.g.

Array.fill3D(3, 3, 3, {|p,q,r| (2**p) + (3**q) + (5**r)})
Array.fillND([3, 3, 3], {|p,q,r| (2**p) + (3**q) + (5**r)})

Somewhat more obscurely

{|p,q,r| (2**p) + (3**q) + (5**r)} dup: [3, 3, 3]
{|p,q,r| (2**p) + (3**q) + (5**r)} ! [3, 3, 3]
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y[0][0][0] = 64; { |x| x.postln }

See also the help file “J concepts in SC” and this thread from the mailing list:

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Thank you Very Much!!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: