Back to Basics: Questions

Hi everyone, I’m taking some days to re-explore SuperCollider after a few months not really looking at it thanks to SuperDirt and live coding libraries (Sardine, etc). I’m slowly cooking a small setup that I can use for live coding using ProxySpace. I’m in a back to basics mentality, trying to understand how I can come up with a system that I can play and have fun with without having to deal with multiple layers of software. SC is enough for this experiment :smile: . The good thing is that I expect to be able to use that same exact system on a Raspberry Pi and I’m quite excited about this!

So far so good, I have gathered a few synths that I like playing with and I’ve overcome the challenge of remembering the exact syntax you need to use to be effective with JITLib. There are still some conveniences I miss from my regular daily tools, such as:

  • making patterns of buffers: finding the right syntax to deal with patterns of samples stored in a dictionary (I’m using the SAMP thingie by @scztt). I haven’t found anything expect doing buf: SAMP("my_samp_folder/*")[0] and being stuck with a specific index.
  • efficiently storing DSP functions for FXs: I’m talking about storing a collection of nice-to-have audio functions inside of ProxySpace to be used with the ~foo[10] = \filter -> {} idiom.
  • an intermediary to advanced tutorial on SC patterns: generating variations easier, coming up with complex and rich patterns that don’t get stuck after n loops around. Any hints?

I’m looking for any suggestions or advice you can give me. I’ve got a good grounding in SuperCollider but I invariably end up dropping out after a few weeks, even though SuperCollider has been the basis of all my musical activity for several years through the typical live coding toolset.

Are you aware of ProxyChains? See ProxyChain | SuperCollider 3.13.0 Help

They are part of the JITLib extension quark, see GitHub - supercollider-quarks/JITLibExtensions: Some extensions to the common JITLib classes , and they allow you to define an “FX-chain” where effects can be resued.

Have you worked through the official Pattern guide?

If you wont to go beyond that you can take a look at advanced techniques such as sieves Sieves and Psieve patterns | SuperCollider 3.13.0 Help from the miSCellaneous_lib

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I am not! Reading the Help File now :slight_smile: Thanks for the suggestion! I was currently using an Event as a pseudo-class to store some re-usable functions. Lightweight approach.

Yes, even though reading this all over again is probably a good idea. I am quite familiar with the less-arcane pattern objects (not the most complex ones). I was thinking about a guide exposing some common patterns that you end up building with the base Patterns.