Baryon - Package index for Quarks and Extensions


A package index for SuperCollider Quarks

There are still some little bugs (for example links within docs are not working) and the design will most likely change at some point. Initially wanted it to name it Hadron which is a collection of Quarks, but there are already 2 projects named like this within the SC domain, so Baryon it is.

At some point Baryon could be used to distribute binary extensions such as sc3-plugins - maybe something like Wheels in Python could serve as inspiration, see What Are Python Wheels and Why Should You Care? – Real Python

Enjoy and feel free to contribute! :slight_smile:


I added support for Extensions, see Baryon _ Extensions ! As contrary to Quarks, there is no global file where these are collected, I searched for Extensions via GitHub and gorreghei them into a file - baryon/baryon/extensions.yml at main · capital-G/baryon · GitHub - feel free to to a PR or post extensions that should be tracked here in the thread.
It mainly adds the benefit to search for extensions and of course the rendered docs feature.

It could be interesting to also upload and host binaries for multiple platforms via Baryon, but this would require some proper thought on package management and user authentication.


Great initiative!

Can you add Pure Data libraries / vstplugin · GitLab?


Thanks for this, great work!!