Hello !
Let’s take a simple SynthDef with a frequency for a note, and a frequency for the filter
SynthDef(\test, { |out=0, gate=1, freq=440, filterFreq=440|
var sig;
sig = VarSaw.ar(freq);
sig = DFM1.ar(sig, filterFreq, 0.5);
sig = EnvGen.kr(Env.asr, gate, doneAction: Done.freeSelf) * sig;
sig = Out.ar(out, sig);
What would be the best way to have a pattern where the note changes every beat, and the filter frequency changes two times per beat ?
I’ve tried to chain two Pbinds but it does not work, the frequency changes twice per beat.
a = Pbind(*[
instrument: \test,
filterFreq: Pseq([400, 1000], inf),
dur: 0.5
]) <>
instrument: \test,
freq: Pwhite(400, 2000, inf),
dur: 1
Any clue ?
Thanks !