Booting the server reliably

Every now and then I find myself in a situation where starting the server doesn’t work reliably. I started to try to isolate these circumstances, which is not always easy. But here is one case, which I can reproduce reliably in SC 3.11.2 on Linux and macOS. The first code block works when run the first time. After a recompile, the same block doesn’t work, i.e. the server is never booted.

Am I missing something here?

( // works the first time

Server.default.boot(startAliveThread: false);
	{[200, 202], 0, 0.1) }.play(Server.default);


// recompile class library now

( // now this fails

Server.default.boot(startAliveThread: false);
	{[200, 202], 0, 0.1) }.play(Server.default);


I don’t have an answer but I can confirm this also happens on windows 10 and add that if I run the second bit of code (no sound, no server boot) followed by


the server boots and the sound starts (!)

Thank you. This also works on Linux and macOS.

The server boot process control could arguably be more reliable in general.

While I don’t know why exactly this happens, for me server booting seems to work reliably if with startAliveThread: true (macOS)


Yes, the same for me on Linux and macOS. Thank you! Gerhard