Breaking from a for/while/etc. and the role of ^


New to the forum and relatively new to SC (started looking into it few months ago).
I was looking into how to “break” from a loop (for/while/etc.) and found out that there is the Function instance method “block” that does that (it seems something SC inherited form Smalltalk).
But, I also started poking around and found out that using ^ works as well.
I’m aware that ^ is only used to return within Class/Instance methods, but that seems to be doing something here as well.
It is breaking from the for but, is not returning anything though, as showed in this code

for (1, 10) { |x|
	if (x == 3) {^3};

interestingly enough, this other code shows something else too

for (1, 10) { |x|
	if (x == 3) {^3};

the for loop stops, nothing is returned and “done”.postln is not executed.

Can anybody help me understanding what’s happening under the hood?


I think it breaks from the whole block of code, meaning everything in the parenthesis.
Basically, ^ does not work outside of Classes, don’t use it. I imagine its like a virtual machine with a return register and the pointer to the next block of code gets lost.

If the predicate is fixed, you can use reject to remove the elements before the iteration.

(1..10).reject(_ == 3).do(_.postln)

If not, you must use an if inside the loop for continue, and a while loop with a var for break.

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Nice! That makes sense, thanks @jordan