Buffer Crossfade TZeroXBufRd apply zeroXnum

i was trying to apply the VOsc Style Buffer Crossfading idea from this thread: Crossfade between Buffers with BufRd Vosc style - #2 by jamshark70
to the example Ex.1h: Buffer granulation with (half) wavesets: TZeroXBufRd from the https://github.com/dkmayer/miSCellaneous_lib for the granulation of half-wavesets and additional buffer crossfading. In the Example Ex.1h the Phasor for the position in the buffer gets multiplied by the number of zero crossings zeroXNum, which is analysed by the function ~get_zeroX_nums for in this case three different arbitary waveforms analysed and written to buffers. When zeroXNum differs for each buffer, im wondering how i can crossfade between the buffers (which is already working fine without granulation) and the right zeroXnum is picked from the array each time?
any ideas ? anyone else using TZeroXBufRd? thanks a lot :slight_smile:

// prepare 3 buffers

b = { Buffer.alloc(s, 1000, 1) } ! 3;
z = { Buffer.alloc(s, 100, 1) } ! 3;

// fill with basic waveforms
	var src = [
	ZeroXBufWr.ar(src, b, z, startWithZeroX: 1, doneAction: 2);


// function for getting zero crossings for each buffer

~get_zeroX_nums = {|sndBufArray, zeroXBufArray|

	var size = sndBufArray.size;

	var zeroXNum = Array.fill(size);
	var zeroXs = Array.fill(size);

	fork {

		// adjust from lang and get zeroXs
		sndBufArray.do({|bufnum, i|
			bufnum.adjustZeroXs(zeroXBufArray[i], { |z| zeroXs[i] = z.reject(_==0) });


		// get number of zeroXs
		zeroXs.do({|bufnum, i|
			zeroXNum[i] = bufnum.size;





// get number of zero crossings for each buffer

~zeroXNum = ~get_zeroX_nums.(b, z);

// crossfade between different buffers Vosc style + Ex.1h granulation of half-wavesets

SynthDef(\zeroX, {
	arg sndBuf=0, zeroXBuf=0, trigRate=100,
	posLo=0.01, posHi=0.99, posRateE=1, posRateM=0.1, rate=1, xNum=1, xRep=1;

	var mod, evenIndex, oddIndex;
	var sig, posRate, bufDur, pos;
	var trig = Impulse.ar(trigRate);

	//var zeroXNum = Array.fill(3, \zeroXNum.kr(0));
	var zeroXNum = \zeroXNum.kr(0);

	mod = SinOsc.kr(0.1).range(0, 2);
	evenIndex = min(2.999, mod.round(2));
	oddIndex = mod.trunc(2) + 1;

	posRate = 10 ** posRateE * posRateM;
	bufDur = BufDur.kr(sndBuf);
	pos = Phasor.ar(
		BufRateScale.kr(sndBuf) * posRate * SampleDur.ir / bufDur,
	)  * ( zeroXNum + [evenIndex, oddIndex] ); 	// how do you apply the right zeroXNum for the current buffer / crossfade between the zeroXNums?

	sig = TZeroXBufRd.ar(
		sndBuf: sndBuf + [evenIndex, oddIndex],
		zeroXBuf: zeroXBuf + [evenIndex, oddIndex],
		trig: trig,
		zeroX: 0, //use "pos" instead of "0" for granulation of half-wavesets
		xNum: xNum,
		xRep: xRep,
		rate: rate,
		overlapSize: 20,

	sig = XFade2.ar(sig[0], sig[1], mod.fold(0, 1) * 2 - 1);

	sig = LeakDC.ar(sig);
	sig = Pan2.ar(sig, \pan.kr(0), \amp.kr(0.25));
	Out.ar(\out.kr(0), sig);

x = Synth(\zeroX, [

	\amp, 0.5,

	\trigRate, 100,

	\posHi, 0.01,
	\posLo, 0.99,

	\posRateE, 1,
	\posRateM, 0.1,

	\xNum, 2,
	\xRep, 2,
	\rate, 1,

	\sndBuf, b.first,
	\zeroXBuf, z.first,
	\zeroXNum, ~zeroXNum.first



could a Select be used to index into the zeroXNums array?
i dont really know what happens when two of the buffers are crossfaded and run simultaneously…