Common Signal Multiplication Modulation Input Pattern

I’m working on a wavefolding effect, and I want to have the potential for pre- and post- effect for amplitude modulation or ring mod.

I’ve got an input, along with a pre-gain and post-gain. The modulation is optional, but since it is a multiplication with the signal, I need to be careful about nulling out the main signal.

Currently, I’ve been doing something like this, in pseudo-code:

in = \[0, 0]);
mod = \[0, 0]); 
modPreGain = \;
modPostGain = \;

modPre = mod * modPreGain; 
modPre = modPre + (modPreGain |==| 0);

modPost = mod * modPostGain;
modPost = modPost + (modPostGain |==| 0);

sig = in *  modPre;

sig = { effect core here } 

sig = sig * modPost;

This works fine at the moment, but I’m wondering if there’s a better way to achieve this type of thing. I’ve thought about Select or ‘.blend’ but if I want control of the gain, then that requires an additional parameter control for pre- and post-.


Hm, the way you wrote it here, there would be a large discontinuity between e.g. modPreGain = 0.0001 and modPreGain = 0.

Another way to think of it: a dry-wet mix. modPreGain = 0 would correspond to a fully dry signal (no RM), = 1 would be fully wet (100% RM signal), and every mixture in between.

// not modPreGain, but modPreAmt
sig =, sig * mod, modPreAmt * 2 - 1);

Algebraically, this works around to a modulator with an interesting property (which also, when you see it, makes intuitive sense).

// mix = 0 .. 1
linxfade = (b - a) * mix + a

= ((sig * mod) - sig) * mix + sig
= (sig * mod * mix) - (sig * mix) + sig

// here, factoring out sig means
// it's worked back around to ring modulation!
= sig * ((mod * mix) - mix + 1)

// ... i.e., mod has now mul = mix, and add = 1 - mix
// let's plot the final modulator signal then

	var mix =, 1, 0.01); * mix + (1 - mix)


So the LinXFade2 is the same as scaling the modulator (analogous to gain) while also offsetting it so that the peak is always 1.0 (= no nulling-out).


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Would there be a discontinuity? If modPreGain = 0.0001, mod would oscillate between 0.0001 and -0.0001, and then, since modPreGain is not equal to 0, the boolean expression would add 0 to the signal.


modPreGain = 0.0001;
modPre = mod * modPreGain; // oscillates between +/- 0.0001
modPre = modPre + (modPreGain |==| 0); // since modPreGain != 0, this would be the signal from line above + 0. 

For example:

	var sig =;
	var modPreGain =, 1, 0.01);
	var mod = 1;
	var modPre = mod * modPreGain;
	modPre = modPre + (modPreGain |==| 0);
	sig * modPre;


	var sig =;
	var modPreGain =, 1, 0.01);
	var mod =;
	var modPre = mod * modPreGain;
	modPre = modPre + (modPreGain |==| 0);
	sig * modPre;

The thing I lose by using the dry/wet blending is the ability to either overdrive the signal to taste or to use a negative gain value to flip the phase. The phase flipping especially is interesting to me in my current use case… flipping post- but not pre-, for example.

Oh, I see, the discontinuity may be from no AM or ring mod to a tiny bit:

	var sig =;
	var modPreGain = Env([0, 0, 1], [0.005, 0.01]).ar;
	var mod =;
	var modPre = mod * modPreGain;
	modPre = modPre + (modPreGain |==| 0);
	sig * modPre;

	var sig =;
	var modPreAmt =  Env([0, 0, 1], [0.005, 0.01]).ar;
	var mod =;
	sig =, sig * mod, modPreAmt * 2 - 1);

Hm, then:

// -1 <= modGain <= 1
sig = sig * ((mod * modGain) + (1 - abs(modGain)))

a = {
	var modGain =, 1, 0.02);
	var positiveGain = modGain.fold(0, 1);
	// plot modulator only
	var mod =;
		// upper: no negative gain allowed
		((mod * positiveGain) + (1 - positiveGain)),
		// lower: with negative gain
		((mod * modGain) + (1 - abs(modGain)))
}.plot(duration: 0.02);


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Thanks! This is working nicely!