Control a parameter from a midi controller


I’m a newbie and I fear this is a basic question, but I have searched high and low for an answer and can’t seem to get one.

I simply want to be able to use my MIDI controller to control parameter values for effects I am creating in SuperCollider. For example, let my controller’s control value 1 affect the pitch of an oscillator. Here is a bit of simple code that explains my issue. When I adjust the MIDI controller’s knob, the “val.postln” code works and shows that my controller is getting through to SuperCollider. However, the pitch of the oscillator is not affected.



var sound, cc1=0.5;


MIDIIn.connectAll;{|val, ccNum, chan, src|

val.postln; //this totally works!

cc1=val/127; //why isn’t this updating the value of cc1 used below

}, ccNum:1);

sound = + (cc1*1000)); //even when val.postln is indicating changes, cc1 doesn’t change and the pitch of the oscillator remains constant. How do I need to code this so that the pitch changes when I move controller 1?!, sound);





Please try to wrap your code in three backticks ``` so it’s is displayed correctly! You can edit your original post with the three-dots menu. :slight_smile:

You’re running into a fundamental distinction in SuperCollider that can be tricky when you first start. SynthDefs define a signal processing chain that can be run in the form of a Synth. Calling play on a function:

   var sound;
   sound =;

is shorthand for something like:

// describe the Synth
SynthDef(\temporarySynth12345, {
   var sound;
   sound =;\, sound)

// play it

The code in a SynthDef / in a function you’re playing is only a description of the signal flow for the synth. it’s only executed ONCE - the structure is captured and turned into a Synth running on the audio server. In your case, your cc1 value is read ONCE, when you create the Synth - this value is baked into the Synth itself and never changes - this code is not re-executed and isn’t in any way live, so changes to cc1 are not reflected in your running Synth.

If you want to send values to a running Synth, you need \controls - these can be set from the outside. I’d suggest running through some tutorials on making SynthDefs, or possible the documentation a bit. But here’s a really simple example of I think what you were aiming for:

var synth, cc1=0.5;


// Define your synth
SynthDef(\simpleSine, {
    var sound, cc1;
    cc1 = \; // a control called cc1
    sound = + (cc1 * 1000));, sound);
}).add;{|val, ccNum, chan, src|
    val.postln; //this totally works!
    ~synth.set(\cc1, val / 127);
}, ccNum:1);

// Play it
~synth = Synth(\simpleSine);    
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oh my god, that’s it! I’ve got it working now, thank you so much for taking the time and effort, I really appreciate it!! :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

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