Control bus map inside a Pbindef

Hi guys,
I’ trying to understand if is there a way for providing continuous control to synths instantiated by a Pbindef the same way I normally do using the .map method (or .asMap) when manually instantiating a synth.

Here’s a code example for the “manual” case:

// 1. define a test synth
SynthDef(\test, {
	atk=0.01,rls=1,amp=1,freq=440,out=0,gate = 1.0
	var sig = 0, env;
	env =, 1.0, rls),gate, doneAction:2);
	sig = * env * amp;, sig);

// 2. set an utility environment variable to store the amplitude value
~amp = 0.0;
// 3. create a control bus to be used to control the amplitude of the synth
b = Bus.control(s,1); 
// 4. initialize the bus value
// 5. if you want you can look at the control value via its scope
// 6. then define a midi func to bind a MIDI CC to the bus
k ={
	arg ...args;
	~amp = args[0].linlin(0,127,0.0, 1.0);
// 7. create the synth instance
// Note we are "mapping" the bus as a continuous control the the amp argument of the synth
x = Synth(\test, [\freq,440,\amp, b.asMap]);

// 8. now you can play with the MIDI controller to change the amplitude of the synth

// 9. eventually you can:
x.set(\gate, 0); // free the synth when done; // free the midi func; // free the bus

Now how to do something similar when using Pbindef?
I’m used to take advantage of Pfunc but this is not gonna doing the job.

I would like to have something capable of changing constantly some argument
of the instantiated synths (not only at evaluation time say).

Can it be possible?

	\instrument, \test,
	\octave, 5,
	\degree, Prand((0..7), inf),
	\dur, Prand((1..4)/4, inf),
	\amp, Pfunc({ ~amp }), // it is not working the way i like
	\amp, Pmap({ b }), // does something like this exists? 


Thank you very much for your support, hope my question can be useful also for someone else :slight_smile:

You are close, it’s simpler than you think =)
You should use .asMap exactly like when using Synth. Enclose in Pfunc to get it dynamic

	\instrument, \test,
	\octave, 5,
	\degree, Prand((0..7), inf),
	\dur, Prand((1..4)/4, inf),
	\amp, Pfunc({ b.asMap }),

Thank you @hemiketal!

Wow I have tied myself in knots trying to make this happen in the past! Thanks for the tip

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